

What Is THC-JD

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If you’re a fan of cannabis, chances are you know of THC. But did you know there’s an even rarer cannabinoid called THCjd (Δ9-THCjd)? This compound is one of the most potent cannabinoids out there, and it’s significantly more powerful than delta-9 THC and delta-8 THC.

The 8-link alkyl side-chain of THCjd supposedly produces an exhilarating high that is 19 times greater than delta-9 (THC) and about 25 times stronger than delta-8. If you’re curious about this cannabinoid, keep reading to learn more.

A Little About THCjd?

THCjd is a new cannabinoid; it was only discovered in 2020. Therefore, there isn’t much extensive research available on it yet.

All types of cannabis, including hemp and marijuana, contain THCjd. However, delta 9-THC is an extremely rare octyl cannabinoid that only exists in trace amounts.

Octyl cannabinoids are cannabis molecules with an alkyl side chain consisting of eight carbon atoms. This 8-link alkyl chains allows THCjd to create an experience that is 19 times stronger than THC, and more than 25 times greater delta-8 and delta 10.

Because of its high THC levels, novice cannabis users should be careful when using this type of strain. The results can be overwhelming.

Does THCjd get you high?

The THC in marijuana enters your bloodstream quickly and provides a potent high. The THC activates the CB1 receptors, which are responsible for the euphoric feeling associated with marijuana use.

THCjd has a stronger chemical reaction with CB1 receptors than THC because it contains an alkyl side-chain made of eight carbon atoms rather than the five in THC.

Reports state that an alkyl chain containing 3-6 carbon atoms is ideal for high coupling affinity. Some say that the results would be even better if this number was higher.

What are THCjd’s effects?

The effects of cannabis are often misrepresented as THCjd causing couch-locking, sedation, and euphoria. However, these claims either false or too general. Instead, the results of consuming cannabis depend on several factors such as dosage amount, tolerance level of the user

In short, we recommend trying THCjd to see how it affects you. Always start with a tiny dose and work your way up; too much of this substance at once can have nasty side effects since it is 19 times stronger than regular THC. If you’ve never used it before, be warned that the experience may be overwhelming.

What are the Benefits of THCjd?

Keep in mind that each cannabinoid has a different effect on our endocannabinoid system. In other words, the more knowledgeable you are about various cannabinoids, the more control you have over how cannabis is used. However, THCjd is still relatively new and scientists know very little about it.

Until researchers understands how THC works in the human body, they still have a long way to go.Although more research needs to be conducted, THCjd’s benefits should parallel those of THC. Some advantages of THC use include:

  • Pain management
  • Neuroprotective properties
  • Reducing PTSD symptoms
  • Boosting appetite
  • Anti-inflammatory properties
  • Minimizing the effects of Nausea
  • Multiple sclerosis (MS) reductions
  • Better sleep

Are there any side effects of THCjd?

Adverse effects of THCjd are likely more potent and visible than those of delta-8, delta-9, delta-10, and HHC because it is significantly more powerful.

Among the negative effects of THC are:

  • Dry mouth
  • Red eyes
  • Increased heart rate
  • Anxiety
  • Psychosis
  • Visual disturbances
  • Memory loss
  • Nausea

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Is THCjd extracted naturally or synthetically?

THCjd is a minor cannabinoid that Derived from different cannabis, and it accounts for only 1% of the plant’s cannabinoid composition. Unfortunately, there isn’t enough THCjd to go around because manufacturers can’t produce it at a reasonable price. As a result, most products on the market have undergone an isomerization procedure to change from CBD to THCjd.

Is THCjd legal?


The list of controlled substances in most EU countries includes the stereoisomers of Tetrahydrocannabinol, unless specifically excepted.

THCjd is an isomer of Delta 9 THC and requires a medical cannabis prescription to be used legally in most European countries.


According to federal law, it is generally acceptable to produce THCjd as long as it comes from hemp plants with a dry weight THC content of less than 0.3%. The 2018 Farm Bill legalized hemp and all its derivatives federally.

But because THCjd is a chemically similar equivalent to THC, it might be classified as a prohibited drug per the Federal Analog Act (FAA).

The federal Controlled Substances Act, passed in 1986, has a controversial section. It classifies all compounds “substantially similar” to already illegal substances as either Schedule I or II substances. In the opinion of the federal government, THCjd made from marijuana is illegal.

Any cannabis product with a THC concentration above 0.3% is classified as a Schedule I prohibited substance by the government, similar to all other products derived from marijuana.

Will THCjd Cause you to Fail the drug test?

THCjd is more potent than THC and will absolutely result in a failed drug test. Avoid using this cannabinoid if you must take a drug testing.

Not only is it impossible to detox THC from your body, but products advertised as doing so are also nonexistent.

Your body fat, which is made up of indestructible fat cells, store THC and its analogs. Since you can’t destroy your fat cells, it’s impossible to cleanse your body from THC completely.

The most effective way to rid your body of THC before a drug test is simple: stop using cannabis products and be patient.

The Takeaway

If you’re an experienced cannabis user and want to have a unique feeling, THCjd is most likely the cannabinoid for you. However, there is still lack of information surrounding this product so be sure to do your research by visiting various cannabis websites.

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