

The Risks of Smoking Moldy Weed

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While it may be obvious, consuming moldy weed can result in significant health hazards, especially to the lungs. What isn’t as clear is that vapes and concentrates present many of the same dangers. However, Luckily, being informed is the best form or preventative medicine. In this article we will cover how to asses the health risks smoking moldy weed posses, how identify if you’ve come into contact with it ,and finally how avoid it all together .

What are the risks of smoking moldy weed?

Dr. Melanie Bone, a board-certified OB-GYN and cannabis specialist says that “The main concern is a reaction to the mold. Some people are more sensitive to mold than others,” A mild reaction caused by inhaling mold might include coughing and throat irritation.”

If you have a cough or throat irritation, especially if it’s moderate to severe, this should be a warning sign that you need to cut back on smoking, whether mold is suspected or not. Mold may not be the only factor causing these symptoms—so try reducing your cannabis consumption first and see if that makes a difference.

Other than the more common respiratory problems, those who are very sensitive to mold might experience a severe throat and lung infection.

A study published in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology found that most weed samples not purchased from dispensaries contained fungi. Those findings are significant, since some people may develop dangerous lung infections from exposure to moldy weed. One 2016 study showed that invasive fungal infections, including mold infections, are more prevalent among cannabis smokers than other individuals. The CDC recommends that organ transplant recipients and those who are otherwise immunocompromised refrain from smoking cannabis.

Not only can long-term use of marijuana bongs be detrimental to the lungs, but researchers have found that it could cause even more damage than cigarette smoking. In a study published in 2017 in the journal Respirology Case Reports, authors wrote that compared to cigarette smoking, “marijuana inhalation demonstrates greater damaging effect.” It’s important to note, however, that it is unclear where the patients had obtained cannabis in either 2016 or 2017 study.

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How much moldy weed do you need to smoke to be adversely affected?

The effects of smoking moldy marijuana differ from person to person, both in the short and long term. “Some smokers will be affected right away, while others may not evidence any obvious untoward effects, even years later. It is unpredictable,” said Bone.

Because the side effects of moldy weed are so unpredictable, consumers should be very careful before smoking it. However, certain tell-tale signs can help you identify and avoid moldy marijuana altogether.

Can you tell if you have smoked moldy weed?

According to Bone, one of the best ways to tell if your cannabis is moldy is by its smell–if it carries a pungent odor reminiscent of old sneakers or your grandmother’s attic, be sure to check for other signs of mold.

The closer a product is to its expiration date, the more likely it is to have acquired mold. Even if a cannabis product hasn’t expired yet, it might still be moldy and unsafe to consume. To make sure you don’t ingest mold or other hazardous substances, only smoke weed that looks fresh.

If you have the misfortune of smoking moldy weed, coughing and an irritated throat are common short-term symptoms. If you experience more alarming symptoms, like difficulty breathing, it’s important to get medical attention right away.

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How to avoid moldy weed

To ensure you’re getting the best quality product, only buy cannabis from a licensed dispensary. If you think the product may be moldy, take a closer look to see if it’s simply covered in trichomes. While both appear white and powdery, trichomes are much smaller than mold spores.

If you examine weed more closely, for example with a microscope or black light, it becomes easier to tell the difference between mold and trichomes. For instance, under a black light, moldy weed will have a greenish glow. With the naked eye, fuzziness, spots or slime could be indication of mold.

If your weed is currently mold-free, there’s no guarantee that it won’t become moldy in the future if you don’t store it properly. To keep your cannabis fresh and free of mold, avoid exposure to excessive light and moisture. Keep your weed sealed tightly in a container and stored in a cool place–but not the refrigerator.

Do I need to worry about old vapes or concentrates becoming moldy?

Older vapes and concentrates can also provide a welcoming environment (i.e., humid) for mold to develop, so remember to use the same level of caution with these cannabis products. As Dr. Bone stated, “When unsure, get rid of it, because the long-term consequences of lung problems are undesirable.”

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