

THC Powder

THC Powder 12 - THC Powder

Yes, you can get THC and other cannabinoids in powdered form! And not only that, but it is also water-soluble and just as effective as consuming edibles. However, what sets THC powder apart is its higher bioavailability than oils–in other words, it packs a bigger punch!

THC powder is a potent form of cannabis that can be used in many different ways. Read on to learn more about THC powder, how it’s made, and where you can get it!

What are the benefits of THC powder?

Oil and water have always been separate, but why? It’s because they have different densities! Water is more dense than oil, which creates a separation between the two. This is called hydrophobia, and it happens because THC becomes an oil in its liquid state.

THC Powder 14 609x400 - THC PowderYou smoke medical marijuana or use cannabis-infused products to get cannabinoids, like THC as well as CBD, CBG, and CBN found in medical marijuana into your bloodstream. However, when you add THC to blood, a water-based fluid, it just floats on the top.

Bioavailability is the percentage of THC that enters the bloodstream, and water-soluble THC has a higher bioavailability than pure THC.  Compared to most edibles that have been infused with THC, smoked or vaped THC has a relatively high bioavailability. When people eat edibles infused with, much of​​the THCGets absorbed Into The fatty tissues Of the digestive system — stomach and intestines.

In simpler terms, nanoencapsulation makes edibles and cannabis-infused beverages more potent by using smaller dosages to produce the same effects as larger doses of edibles. Additionally, less THC is usually used in cheaper products.

For example, if your THC gummy bear contains 10 milligrams of THC and you want to increase its bioavailability.THC consumed in edible form has poorer absorption than other consumption methods because it must go through the digestive system first. Edibles also have a higher chance of being stored in body fat since they’re Ingested with other fatty foods

As you can see, powdered THC is oftentimes less expensive and can be twice as potent.

You could add pure THC isolate crystals to a blended smoothie where it would remain suspended long enough to drink, or you could add it to food during preparation. However, the bioavailability would be lower than if powdered THC is used.

Unlike THC, CBN (a cannabinoid) remains stable when nanoencapsulated and used in products, meaning the product will last longer. When THC is exposed to air, light, or heat over time , it breaks down and becomes a sedative for many users.

Nanoencapsulated CBD has a prolonged shelf life due to it being concealed from air and light. If stored properly in a cool area, powdered CBD will last much longer than uncoated THC.

How is THC powder made?

Powdered THC is created through a process called nanoencapsulation. For those who don’t know, this has been used in the pharmaceutical industry for years. To make it simpler to understand, the THC is split into tiny droplets and then coated with a non-hydrophobic subsance known as an emulsifier. Lecithin is a popular emulsifier often utilised when making cannabis-infused cooking oil. Emulsifiers such as lecithin essentially help oils mix scatteredly in water.

The cannabinoids in this coating will gradually seep into your bloodstream and travel throughout your body. However, the effects of THC or other CBDs won’t be felt immediately because it takes time for the protective coating to wear off.

The human body processes nanoencapsulated cannabinoids the same way as it does any food. However, because nanocapsules are smaller in size, THC can be absorbed straight into the bloodstream bypassing the need for enzymes or digestive activity to first break it down into smaller particles.

How is THC powder use?

Several methods exist to use powdered THC.

Using THC powder sublinguallyTHC Powder 13 - THC Powder

The THC powder can be used the same way as tinctures — under the tongue. This method is not as pleasant because the powder doesn’t dissolve right away and feels gritty. However, once it does dissolve, cannabinoids are absorbed directly into the bloodstream through capillaries in the mouth lining.

Adding THC powder to beverages

You can add THC powder to any liquid — water, coffee, tea, milk and more. It might take some stirring for all the powder to dissolve but using a blender or smoothie bullet will help speed up the process.

Using THC powder in cooking

You can add THC powder to almost any dish, whether it is a sweet or savory food. A popular way people use the powder is by mixing it into desserts such as pudding and pie, sauces, or baked goods like cookies and brownies. Some individuals even smoke and dab the powder but there is insufficient research conducted on this topic currently.

It is crucial to be mindful of the amount of THC in each serving when working with powdered THC. For example, if you add 100 milligrams of powder to 10 cookies, then every cookie will have 10 milligrams of THC.

Ingesting large quantities of THC can result in negative side-effects, so be sure to moderate your consumption. You can find THC powder at most American marijuana dispensaries, or go for CBD powder made from hemp.

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