

Medical Cannabis for Migraines

Cannabis for Migraines 4 - Medical Cannabis for Migraines

The majority of migraine sufferers are treated with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs), which are known to cause heart problems in some people. However, many individuals claim that cannabis helps them deal with the splitting headaches and other symptoms associated with migraine. This makes it worthwhile to look into how cannabis might help you cope. Migraine is a very debilitating and excruciating illness that has the ability to severely impede day-to-day life.

Cannabis for Migraines 3 - Medical Cannabis for Migraines

A migraine is a severe headache that may last for hours or even days. They’re far worse than ordinary headaches: only strong medicine might help you control the symptoms. They aren’t suitable for everyone, and they frequently have unpleasant side effects. Many migraine sufferers look for alternative therapies, and cannabis has been found to be beneficial in several studies. This blog goes into detail about how it works and lists our top migraine cannabis strains.

The Migraine Mystery

Anyone who has ever had a migraine knows that the symptoms are on a whole new level of awful. Migraine is not just any headache; it’s a neurological disease. It affects roughly 15% of the world’s population. Genetic factors are only part of the equation, but environmental triggers also have an impact. Doctors and researchers are still trying to figure out what causes migraine and its symptoms.

A migraine may have a significant impact on your daily life. A migraine can be so debilitating that simple activities such as doing chores are made impossible. Headaches that are severe enough to cause nausea and sensitivity to sound, smell, and light are common. Occasionally (temporary) blindness occurs as a result of the condition.

Auras, or flashes of light, might occur before migraine attacks in some individuals. Hands may go numb or tingly. A migraine headache is throbbing and intense and usually emphasizes one of the brain’s hemispheres.

Causes Of Migraine

Although events like lack of sleep or stress may trigger some migraine attacks, doctors still do not understand exactly what causes them. Modern imaging technology aids in mapping how the brain functions during a migraine attack. Changes in sensitivity to stimuli, particularly those related to the brain stem, seem to be the major reason for disruptions in the brain.

The brain stem relays messages to other areas of the cerebrum and the cerebral membrane (meninx) in particular under typical circumstances. The membranes that protect the brain become overloaded, causing headaches as a result of migraine attacks. Serotonin is one of many messenger chemicals known as neurotransmitters that are involved.

 Regular Migraine Treatment

Over-the-counter pain medication, such as paracetamol or ibuprofen, is entirely free of charge for anyone who suffers from migraine. Ibuprofen has a higher success rate, but if it doesn’t work, a doctor may prescribe triptan medicine. These must be taken as soon as an attack begins. Triptans should relieve pain in around two hours and can be repeated if the symptoms return. This delicate state of equilibrium is prone to being thrown off; too much pain medication might actually cause a new migraine attack, making things worse.

Cannabis And Migraine

The endocannabinoid system in the human body is affected by cannabinoids found in cannabis. This physiological mechanism regulates several bodily functions, including blood pressure and pain sensation. These characteristics might make cannabis useful for treating migraine symptoms. Medical experts and others have recommended marijuana as a migraine therapy for hundreds of years. The prohibition on cannabis has cast a long shadow over this option, but it is once again being discussed today because of its possible use as a migraine treatment.

Cannabis for Migraines 2 - Medical Cannabis for Migraines

Analgesic Effects

To date, cannabis for migraine research has been small in scope. The Journal of Neuroscience published a study on cannabinoids and migraine pain in 2013. Chronic migraine sufferers were found to have hypersensitive trigeminovascular nociceptive pathways as a result of their chronic pain. That’s quite an elegant way of describing it: blood vessels and nerves in the skull became more sensitive to pain, resulting in a headache. Cannabis causes our ECS to shut down the pain response from these nerves via endocannabinoid anandamide, according to studies.

Vascular Effects

The mechanism of vascular constriction and dilation is another element in migraine pain. Blood pressure rises abruptly if blood flowing through blood vessels is blocked owing to vessel spasms. This might explain the severe headaches experienced by people who have migraines. It has been suggested that serotonin causes blood vessel and artery narrowing. Vasoconstrictive tablets are frequently used to treat migraines, even though cannabis has vasoconstrictive effects as well.

Serotonin Release

As you can see, serotonin is connected to migraine. Just before the onset of a migraine episode, serotonin levels rise. The endocannabinoid system regulates the serotonergic signaling pathway. Activating CB1 receptors on the ECS’s

User Experience Research

In a recent study by Carrie Cuttler of Washing State University, researchers looked at data from over 1,300 individuals. The Strainsprint app was used by migraine and headache sufferers to self-report their cannabis usage experiences. Journal of Pain published the findings in 2018.

It was discovered in the study that endocannabinoid signaling is strongly influenced by both acute and chronic cannabis use. Before they used cannabis, 1,300 migraine patients recorded their feelings three times a day for one hour before and after smoking.49.6 percent of people who took cannabis experienced a reduction in the severity of their migraines. The study failed to show that taking more marijuana causes increased headaches, as can be the case with conventional pain killers. However it appeared that subjects tended to increase their dosages over time, which might indicate cannabinoid tolerance development .

A 2014 study, for example, found that migraine sufferers who used cannabis every day reported a 20% reduction in symptoms. Patients also claimed that their dai gow reduced the frequency of migraine attacks by up to 60%.

The first thing that jumps out is that these findings are not influenced by the selection of a specific cannabis strain or particular THC and CBD levels. These variables, on first inspection, appear to be unrelated to effective pain relief. This might have been due to the study’s design. There are several arguments for assigning critical roles to cannabinoid content and terpenes in marijuana strains in terms of treating migraines.

CBD, THC, And Cannabis Terpenes To Counter Migraine

There are more than 100 cannabinoids, each of which has the potential to reduce pain. Furthermore, researchers believe that additional cannabis chemicals, such as terpenes, have an impact on the overall effects. We define an entourage effect as the interaction or addition of effects from various cannabis components. The Charlotte Figi story is a great example of an entourage effect in action: CBD/THC combinations can help migraine sufferers. If we’re looking for proof, we just need to look at one of CBD and migraine’s most famous headlines: that of Charlotte Figi and her parents.

Famous CBD Strains: Charlotte’s Web

Charlotte Figi, a Canadian baby, began having epileptic seizures shortly after she was born. The seizures worsened over time, and they occurred more frequently. By the age of six, Charlotte’s parents were on the verge of giving up hope due to her condition being diagnosed as Dravet’ s syndrome; a severe and inherited form of epilepsy that might lead to death.

Charlotte’s parents decided to try cannabis oil after realizing that there was no cure for Dravet. They had read about promising CBD oil results online, and while they were against the use of medicinal cannabis products, the oil proved unexpectedly beneficial. CBD, on the other hand, has had a hard time breaking into the legal cannabis market. In fact, it took almost five years before Charlotte’s Web officially launched. Doctors refused to collaborate, and high-CBD marijuana oil was difficult to obtain. They contacted the Stanley brothers who ran a business that manufactured CBD-rich cannabis. That gave them the ability to develop a distinct strain especially for Charlotte: Charlotte’s Web.

The Effect Of CBD Cannabis On Epilepsy

The results were amazing: whereas Charlotte used to have about 300 (!) severe seizures each day, she began taking Charlotte’s Web and now only has one per week. Soon, the occurrence of just one seizure every week became the new norm. The tale generated worldwide media attention and played a significant role in the legalization and promotion of CBD supplements.

Despite these efforts, Charlotte still met an early end. She died of pneumonia in 2020. Despite being tested negative for coronavirus, she was treated according to COVID-19 standards because she had previously been infected with the virus and recovered. Whether the virus was ultimately to blame is debatable, but her story was tragically cut short after she showed the world the power of CBD.

Despite the terrible outcome of her story, CBD’s success in treating severe epileptic seizures Charlotte had brought new attention to CBD against other neurological diseases, such as migraines.

Tackling Migraine With Cannabis Terpenes

Cannabinoids and terpenes also interact to produce entourage effects. Terpenes are odorous compounds that plants use for a variety of purposes, such as preventing predation. So far, over 100 cannabis terpenes have been isolated, with several of them displaying the potential to aid migraine relief.


Caryophyllene is one of the most well-known terpenes used to treat headaches. This terpene can also be found in black pepper and rosemary, both of which are consumed outside of cannabis. Caryophyllene is recognized for having anti-inflammatory and nerve-protecting effects. Despite the fact that study into this chemical is still in its early stages, many hands-on experts will try out strains with high amounts of caryophyllene for migraines and other types of headaches.


Another fascinating terpene for persons who suffer from migraines is myrcene. Myrcene has pain-relieving qualities, much like caryophyllene. It may be found in a variety of cannabis strains because it is one of the most prevalent cannabis terpenes. Myrcene has an extra advantage over other cannabinoids in terms of pain relief. By enhancing the entourage effect, myrcene makes it easier for cannabinoids to pass through the blood-brain barrier and attack more areas of the brain. This improves CBD activity as well as THC and other cannabinoids’ effectiveness and speed of action.

Sativa Or Indica Strains For Migraines?

We can define the broad distinctions between cannabis indica and sativa strains as previously stated. Hybrid crossbreeds today make these distinctions seem less significant. However, it is still worth considering them while seeking for a suitable anti-migraine cannabis strain. Sativas tend to focus their effects on the brain, whereas indicas concentrate on the body. This implies you may compare whether a sativa-dominant strain is superior for treating migraine headaches and other “brain effects.”

Many migraine sufferers, on the other hand, claim that their migraines begin with a tense, cramped sensation in the neck and shoulders. That would support using a high indica strain to get relief. Indicas are also well-known for producing a bodily buzz. This passive, laid-back feeling throughout the body may help you relax and sleep better, for example. Getting adequate sleep is one of the few methods for many migraine patients to get through a migraine episode. That makes indicas worth a try as well.

Harlequin Imparts a Soothing, Mellow High

Harlequin is a popular marijuana strain for treating migraines. It’s a 75 percent sativa-dominant hybrid cannabis plant with a 5:2 ratio of cannabidiol (CBD) to tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).

If you want to relax and be more alert, this is what you’ll need. Harlequin has both THC and CBD in it, making it a strong pain reliever while not giving you an overpowering high.

Remedy Offers CBD-Rich Migraine Relief

Remedy’s name was chosen for a reason: It truly does offer relief to migraine sufferers. This has CBD levels of around 15% and traces of THC are few.

Remedy is most famous for providing a smooth, tranquil high without the head rush. It will also offer all of the anti-inflammatory and anti-anxiety capabilities because it is high in CBD—which is just what you need to fight migraines.

Purple Kush Can Help Migraine Sufferers Get Much-Needed Sleep

Migraine sufferers generally attempt to sleep away the pain. But how can you sleep when the suffering is so excruciating that it’s hard to function? Purple Kush is an excellent method for producing a numbing sensation, which allows you to fall asleep after.

Purple Kush is a sativa-dominant hybrid strain with a high THC content (17 percent) and low CBD content (0.1 percent). The pain you’re experiencing fades away as soon as you feel the head buzz, which users describe as long-lasting in comparison to other cannabis strains. For optimum effects, consume Purple Kush before going to bed.

Choose ACDC for Migraine Relief Without a Head High

ACDC is the strain for you if you want to use cannabis to relieve your migraine but don’t want any psychoactive effects. This is a sativa-dominant cannabis plant with a CBD to THC ratio of 20:1, which means it has virtually no psychotropic THC and is ideal for people who suffer from migraines and avoid experiencing a head high.

The cannabis plant contains a chemical called Cannabidiol (CBD) that is known to have anti-inflammatory and pain relieving effects. CBD levels in hemp can reach up to 19%, making it one of the most effective migraine pain remedies around. ACDC also has significant anti-depressant and anxiolytic properties, which are common symptoms of migraines.

White Widow Boosts Your Mood & Relieves Muscle Tension

The infamous Amsterdam cannabis strain, White Widow, was cultivated in the Netherlands. This marijuana plant differs from others in that it does not provide the same level of relaxation as an indica strain would. It makes you feel joyful and uplifted, just what many people require when suffering from a migraine.

White Widow’s THC level is also high, at around 18 percent. It does not induce an immediate psychoactive effect in most people and may be used to treat chronic pain without causing any problems with addiction or tolerance disorders. Additionally, it reduces muscular tension, which helps to relax a migraine that has been simmering for some time.

Stephen Hawking Kush Imparts Balanced Migraine Relief

The strain was named after world-renowned physicist Dr. Stephen Hawking. Its 1:1 THC to CBD ratio has shown to be beneficial in alleviating migraines in a healthy way, owing to its high THC content. The combination also gives a migraine suffers a pleasant, calming high that energizes them. Customers say the strain eliminates any feelings of pain for extended periods of time, sometimes even throughout the day.

OG Kush Is a High-THC Option for Migraine Sufferers

CBG is another well-known type of marijuana that’s used to treat migraines because of its soothing properties. This is a cross between two strains, with THC levels ranging from 20% to 30%. CBG is one of the most important cannabinoids in cannabis, and it comes with various effects depending on where you’re looking at it.

Despite this, THC can help you relax, lift your spirits, and take your thoughts away from a migraine.

God’s Gift Helps Ease Pain & Boost Mood

What you need is God’s Gift if you’re suffering from a migraine and just want to get rid of the pain. This strain has 20% THC, which is plenty to quiet your senses and stimulate your hunger, which can be difficult during a migraine.

God’s Gift is widely recognized for its powerful indica effects, but some claim it has the greatest of a heavy-hitting indica high, as well as the euphoric buzz of a sativa. Even so, THC will numb your body, which is precisely what you need when a migraine begins to overwhelm you.

Blue Dream Is a Well-Rounded, Balanced Marijuana Strain

Another popular cannabis variety for treating physical pain is Blue Dream. This is a hybrid marijuana strain that relaxes the body and raises the spirits.

Don’t worry about getting drowsy or high after taking Blue Dream. Instead, anticipate strong psychotropic effects while still allowing you to socialize if you feel up to it.

10. AK-47 Helps Migraine Sufferers Feel Hungry Again

The cannabis variety AK-47 has a euphoric psychedelic side effect that will help you forget about your migraine pain. It’s a quick-acting marijuana strain with an array of flavorful pungent tastes. AK-47 can aid in the management of migraine pain as well as relaxation stressed muscles at the same time.

This strain is also known for causing the munchies. So, if a migraine keeps you from eating, AK-47 can help you regain your hunger and feel more like yourself again.

Knowing the finest cannabis strains for treating headaches is crucial so that you take advantage of those that ease your symptoms rather than exacerbate them. And since everyone is different, determining the migraine-reducing strain that works best for you might be difficult. However, a little exploration may pay off handsomely.

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