

How to Smoke Weed: 9 Ways

how to smoke weed 8 - How to Smoke Weed: 9 Ways

So you’ve decided to try cannabis for the first time or perhaps the last, and you’re ready to restart smoking. Whether you’re a novice or a seasoned pro, the prospect may seem intimidating with all of the scare stories about today’s marijuana strength and New York Times columnists losing their minds for hours on end. Where do you begin, and how can you smoke weed safely? We can assist make your first experience with cannabis more pleasurable.

Unless you’re looking for specific therapeutic advantages, you’re more than likely searching for a pleasurable high. As simple as that may sound, the cannabis business has changed dramatically in recent years, and the choices may be intimidating. This article will assist you in choosing the right strain, dosage, and consumption method for a pleasant first-time experience.

Understanding the Basics

While eating a cannabis-infused brownie may be tempting, we urge you not to do so. The effects related to ingesting cannabis kick in much later than other methods of consumption (anywhere from 4 to 8+ hour), and can be significantly more intense.

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Consumption Method

For those new to consuming cannabis, the recommended methods are smoking or vaporizing; this is because dosage control is easier with these compared to other consumption methods. Smoking weed is the traditional method and involves inhaling the smoke released by burning buds.

If you’re just getting started with cannabis, smoking it might be too intense for you. In this case, we recommend vaporization as a more mild alternative. There are tons of options for smoking accessories: you can pack a one hitter pipe, roll it into a joint, or hit a bong. Bongs result in the smoothest hits because the smoke is filtered through water prior to being inhaled; however, their intensity is not recommended for novice users.

If you want to avoid the chest pain that comes with smoking, we recommend trying a vaporizer for the first time. A regular vaporizer just heats up cannabis until it evaporates into a gas-like form without burning any plant material. This offers a more gentle and easy experience than smoking does, in our opinion. Plus, Bong has high-quality products perfect for your needs!

Strain Selection

If you’re satisfied with your current method of vaporization, the image above might be odd. Keep in mind that the golden fluid in your vaporizer cartridge is just a concentrated, extracted version of the original cannabis buds; it should at least be labeled Indica, Sativa, or hybrid.

A dispensary may have a variety of cannabis strains, while others will be strain-specific. Cannabis is similar to wine in that it has a distinct flavor profile depending on the variety used. Indica and Sativa are two important words to grasp when talking about marijuana strains. The terms Indica and Sativa refer to the two major species of cannabis plants, each of which generates a distinct effect.

Your ideal cannabis strain will depend on the type of experience you’re looking for. If you want to feel more upbeat and creative, go for a Sativa dominant variety. Indica strains are perfect if you’re looking to relax, increase your appetite, or get sedative effects. And if you can’t decide or are just searching for a well-rounded high, try a hybrid that combines elements from both species through breeding.

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New Ways To Smoke Weed

These three ways to smoke weed would have seemed like something out of a sci-fi movie only a few years ago, but now they are some of the newest and coolest ways to enjoy cannabis. If you want to be hip or just get high, check these methods out!

From what I’ve been told, today one of the greatest ways to smoke marijuana is through vaping? Bergeron has no first-hand knowledge of vaping (old school) but he’s heard that these are some of the benefits.

  1. Your motor functions don’t seem to get as impaired.
  2. When you vape, even simple tasks become easier to do, like throwing your clothes in the hamper and brushing your teeth.
  3. You don’t smell as much like smoke.
  4. It’s cleaner to vape than it is to smoke the traditional way.
  5. All the cool kids are doing it.


A vaporizer, otherwise known as a vape or a vape pen, is one of the healthiest ways to consume cannabis. You smell virtually nothing when you use one and don’t inhale any tar, making it much better for you than other methods of smoking weed.

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No, not the dance move.  Dabbing uses what is known as butane hash oil (BHO), which is wicked fucking potent.  You’ll need a blowtorch-style lighter to burn the hard hash oil, which is consumed in a special pipe known as a rig. We’re not smoking crack; we’re just “using” the cannabis.


The G-Pen, as its name suggests, was designed by Snoop Dogg. The G-Pen is a blend of three items: a blunt, a one-hitter, and a vaporizer. The G-Pen would be the end result. They’re easy to mistake for an electronic cigarette since they’re portable and provide a pleasant high when used in public.

Smoking Weed Out Of A Pipe

When I say pipe, I am referring to anything that you light on one end and smoke out of a tube or pipe. This excludes vaporizers, G-Pens, joints, hot knives or tinfoil wrapped around aluminum foil used as a bowl.

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The bowl, also known as a pipe, is one of the oldest methods of smoking weed. It has been around for longer than vaping and will likely outlast it as well. A handy piece of hardware to have in your collection, great at rock and roll concerts!


The bong is the original method for asphyxiating yourself. They’re usually half-filled with water halfway up the bong, which makes them quite powerful. Keep in mind that if you cough back into the bong, your weed will get wet and launch itself out of your lungs.

Soda Can

This is a viable option if you don’t want to use anything else and don’t mind breathing in the paint and chemicals that were burned off of the can’s outside. It’s typically employed as a last resort, when all else fails. To make a hole in the bottom of the can, put it on its side, insert a small indentation with two more tiny holes halfway up the side, then place weed on the indent and hit it with a lighter.

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Alternative Ways To Smoke Weed

Here are some ways to use marijuana without a pipe.


A joints the classic way? Get some Rolling Papers, roll it up and light her fire. Save those roaches- you might need them later! The best way to hold a joint while smoking is between your thumb and index finger. Blunts fall into this category as well, rolled with weed inside tobacco paper.

Hot Knives

The bowl is shown above, but it’s an American-style one. It looks like a regular table and features a round form in the middle. This will be your basic glass bubbler Hookah with its main chamber that you would see on many beaches. Although this is essentially a two-person job, bear in mind that this device does not have any sophisticated parts therefore if something goes wrong during operation, there is no way to fix it other than replacing the entire unit which would require several man hours and expertise to do so by yourself (if you’re reading my review again).

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