

Cloning Cannabis

cloning cannabis - Cloning Cannabis

Cloning is a great approach to increase plants inexpensively and more sustainably, as well as preserve excellent DNA! Come learn how to generate your favorite strains without the need for seeds using this clever method.

When we discuss clones, our minds immediately go to science and how to make two identical people or animals. Cloning your plants, on the other hand, is already feasible, and it is not difficult at all. Cannabis cloning is one of the most cost-effective ways to grow this plant species because you don’t need seeds for it. Something fascinating about clones is that their genetic identity will be exactly the same as that of the mother plant. This implies that cloning is also a method for propagating the plants you like best based on your preferences.

Would you like to learn more about this remarkable technique of propagation? We’ll tell you everything there is to know about it, as well as how to do it at home with your own cannabis plants.

What are clones

cloning cannabis 3 - Cloning Cannabis

On the blog, we’ve already discussed cloners a bit, so let’s take a quick look again! The primary technique of plant reproduction via asexual replication is called cloning. Seeds, which are the sexed method of development, are cultivated to discover specific phenotypic features (tastes, smells, etc.). Cloning allows you to keep your preferred qualities while the mother plant is still alive.

It’s worth noting that, even if they’re genetically identical, it’s impossible to assure that these plants will be absolutely identical to the mother throughout their lives. This is highly dependent on the culture media and conditions you provide throughout its existence! Various enviornments, climatic situations, energy and nutrition sources may enhance or diminish particular characteristics as your cannabis grows up.

Important points to remember

There are a few curiousities that might assist you in finding the correct mother plant for your clones.

  • A clone, like a genetic profile, is also weighted down with the emotional baggage of its mother plant. As a result, it’s critical to select a healthy, well-nourished, and trouble-free cannabis plant when growing for a clone that has the same attributes.
  • A pheno hunt may be used to help you choose genetics. The technique of cloning is how you can keep the excellent genes you find. Alice, our grower, is sharing some of these experiences on our Instagram account at @girlsingreen710. It goes something like this: first, some seeds from the same strain are germinated. After that, each plant is sexed and tagged clones are taken from each plant with tags. You’ll be able to choose the phenotypes you like best after the plants have grown and bloomed!
  • The plants may be stressed by the procedure of cloning. However, it might be beneficial to link it with cleaning! As a result, you may defoliate, choose branches to clone, and give your plant time to recuperate without being anxious again. Remember that pruning is crucial for ensuring that your cannabis is well-ventilated, healthy, and pest-free.

Positive aspects of cloning

  • Cloning is a wonderful method to save money on plants. Because you may propagate plants without having to spend a lot of money on seeds, it’s a great way to keep your garden going strong throughout the year.
  • You can perform this technique to create a genetic variety. This procedure is even more efficient because you don’t have to wait for the seeds to germinate. You’ll save time, effort, and money!
  • Within two weeks, if you follow all of the instructions precisely, it will be rooted and ready to plant if you make a decent clone.

Step by step

Let’s get our hands on the dirt now that we know everything.

You will need:

  • A healthy cannabis plant. The plant you’re going to chop must have at least ten nodes or branches;
  • The type of medium in which the clone will be grown. It may be water, rockwool, peat, foam, or a cloning tray;
  • A tray or container;
  • These hormones are natural root stimulators. They aid in the plant’s take-up of soil by improving its absorption and transport into the roots. Aloe vera, a natural medium, or artificial hormones made with auxins, which are plant growth regulators and have an essential role in the plant’s development, can be used. It may also be utilized as a powder or a liquid.
  • Gloves;
  • Clean scissors.

Step one: Remove all of your equipment, then add some rooting gel to a clean container. It’s critical not to remove it straight from the original container because it might be harboring fungi and germs – and we need a sterile atmosphere for your clone to thrive.

Step two: Fill your container two inches deep with water. Water is essential for the growth of the clone’s roots and the healing process after a cut.

Step three: Count four branches or nodes from the top of the parent plant’s branch, starting at the tip. Make your incision at the top of the fourth node.

 Step four: Remove the fifth node, then make a 45° cut at the top of this fifth node. Leave no more branches or stems between the fifth and sixth knots; it will rot and become a food source for fungus and insects. The 45° cut is ideal since it exposes the plant’s phloem and xylem exchange areas while also covering the root zone.

Step five: To increase the surface area of your clone, hold it gently and cut lower branches to give yourself more room. These cuts should be made in a clean, precise manner as previously stated. This will also encourage your clone’s vertical development.

Step six: Take your receiver with the chosen rooting gel and dip the 45° cut into the solution. Make sure that this gel has covered the entire area of the cut, as well as an additional ¼ inch of space around it.

Step seven: Place your clone in the chosen medium, from ⅔ to 4/3 depth. This ensures that your cut will not lose all of the rooting gel and will not be so shallow that it dries out.

How to take care of the clones

cloning cannabis 2 - Cloning Cannabis

During the time of rooting, certain climatic conditions are required in order for you to recover and develop faster. The low temperatures promote longer rooting times, while lack of air circulation contributes to mold formation.

Because of this, after being harvested, your clones must be maintained at a constant and pleasant temperature – the root zone and surroundings should ideally be kept at 24°C (75F). Your plants will also need moisture, which they will obtain from the air. Make sure they’re in an area with 80-85% relative humidity for the first few days.

Make sure you don’t feed them until the roots are developed enough. Nutrient solutions are frequently strong, which might harm the healing site. You can expose the roots to one cycle with a solution whose nutrients are half of what you normally use in the next cycle. You may feed them normally in the following cycle.

It’s possible to make clones of your favorite plants, keeping a desirable phenotypic pattern for yourself. This method also allows you to have plants in various growth cycles: if you have a plant at the start of the flora, you may take a clone and do a closed cycle – then, you’ll never be without crops if you have space!

However, be cautious: pruning and cloning are stressful operations that should not be attempted until the plant is more mature. Before you put your plants to flower, or right after they start to bloom. If they’re already in full bloom, wait for the next cycle. Do you want the plant to drain energy from floral development so it can heal itself? She may not be able to refuse.

Hello, ladies and gents! Did you enjoy this post? Because we enjoyed creating it for you. Always keep in mind that if you have any more tips or questions regarding cloning, you may leave them below in the comments for us!

Stay safe and healthy as cannabis growers! With more information on safe and healthy plant cultivation, see you next time!

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