

CBD Water

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The excitement around CBD (cannabidiol) exploded in 2017, when it was first introduced. How could a thing created from cannabis or hemp be so potentially beneficial without having any psychoactive effects? But as the advantages became more widely known (and it became lawful thanks to the 2018 Farm Bill), the component began showing up in everything from chocolates to dog treats. CBD has gone from being a field of interest for health enthusiasts to something that even your “just say no to drugs” mother is covering.

CBD is available in a number of forms, including oils and tinctures, gummies, and now CBD water. One of CBD’s most discussed advantages is that it can help to decrease anxiety—a problem that is undoubtedly prevalent right now. It may encourage more individuals to assume that CBD water may be the answer to their panic attacks, or at least assist in some manner.

It’s also important to remember that you don’t want to spend money on anything that isn’t genuine. It’s crucial to understand what CBD water is, how it may help you, any dangers, and how to tell what items are really worth your time and attention before purchasing into it. This article covers all of the details.

How it’s made

CBD is one of the chemical compounds present in marijuana (and hemp). It’s extracted from hemp or cannabis plants to make either a CBD-only substance or a full-spectrum compound that includes CBD as well as other chemicals from the plant. According to Jamie Evans, the creator of The Herb Somm and author of The Ultimate Guide to CBD, CBD water is simply water infused with CBD.

If you’ve ever attempted to combine CBD oil with water at home, you know how difficult it is. Water and oil don’t mix well, so CBD water producers use nano emulsion technology, according to Evans, which helps with infusion by lowering the surface tension of the water. “It makes the molecules in the drink less likely to stick together and more likely to interact with the oil,” she explains. “The CBD in the beverage is broken down into tiny droplets as a result of agitation, preventing separation of the oil.” Because CBD is fat-soluble, ingesting it through the skin helps it to be absorbed more readily by the body. “This method aids in the absorption of CBD by the body,” says Dr. Becker. As a result, purchasing CBD water rather than making it yourself might be preferable.

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How is CBD water different than CBD oil?

If you’re deciding between CBD water and CBD oil (which contains extracted cannabidiols that have been diluted in a carrier oil), Evans advises picking one because they provide the same benefits. “One advantage of the water is that it has a higher bioavailability rate,” she adds. Because the body is approximately 60% water, it’s more probable for CBD in water to be absorbed than CBD in oil. However, more research is needed to verify this potential benefit.

In general, both CBD water and CBD oil have the same health benefits as the ones derived from the CBD itself, not from the water or oil.

What are the benefits of CBD water?

1. It could help with anxiety

The most significant benefit of CBD is that it may help with anxiety and stress. “Because of the manner in which it interacts with receptors in the brain, CBD has been found to help reduce cortisol levels,” Evans adds. The endocannabinoid system, which includes cannabinoid receptors located throughout the central nervous system that are triggered by cannabinoids like CBD as well as themselves. CBD may help with anxiety by boosting serotonin levels, according to several studies. CBD has been shown to have an impact on serotonin levels in mice, which might explain why it can assist with anxiety. (However, additional research is needed to determine whether this effect applies to humans.)

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2. It may help with workout recovery

CBD and other cannabinoids have long been linked to reduced inflammation, which is good for everyone, but Evans explains that CBD water may be particularly beneficial to athletes. “Muscle soreness can be caused by inflammation, and the water is of course essential for hydration,” she adds.

3. Sipping CBD water may be good for your heart

There is some preliminary evidence suggesting that CBD ingestion might help reduce blood pressure and enhance general cardiovascular health. While intriguing, further research on humans is needed to verify these benefits.

4. It could help relieve migraines

You’re familiar with the CB1 and CB2 receptors Evans mentioned? There’s some evidence to suggest that this interaction may aid in the treatment of migraines. “Cannabinoids… represent a promising class of compounds for both acute and preventive migraine therapy due to their anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects,” according on a 2018 study published in Frontiers in Pharmacology. (However, further study is needed to understand exactly how CBD can help treat migraines, as well as how it might be effectively used.) Proper hydration is also essential for avoiding migraines, so CBD water in particular may be an excellent solution.

How to make sure you’re buying one that’s legit

cbd waters 06 320x400 - CBD WaterNot all CBD waters on the market are of good quality, according to Evans. “Something that consumers should be aware of when purchasing CBD products is that brands are not required to validate the CBD they utilize,” she notes. She goes on to say that some firms are going above and beyond by obtaining a certificate of analysis (COA), which certifies that their CBD has been tested and verified.

According to a 2017 survey, almost 70 percent of online CBD products are misrepresented, either having a lot more or a lot less CBD than advertised. Looking for a COA on a product ensures that what’s stated on the label matches what’s in the container. “One reason why some people don’t feel the effects of CBD is because so many businesses do not test their items or administer them correctly,” Evans adds.

She advises consumers to look for THC and CBD content in the product’s label, as well as strength. She also notes that it’s important to check the label for dosage (or at least on the brand’s website.) The majority of CBD water brands have between two and five milligrams of CBD per serving.

Risks and side effects to be aware of

Before you take CBD water, Evans warns that there are certain dangers and side effects to consider. First and foremost, she advises consulting a doctor before experimenting with anything containing CBD. She also warns against combining CBD water with medications that have a “grapefruit alert,” since both CBD and grapefruit are known to activate two types of p-450 liver and gut enzymes that break down about a third of prescription drugs. It’s probably not a good idea to drink CBD water if you’re pregnant or nursing.

There are no negative effects to be worried about if you don’t have any underlying medical problems or if you limit yourself to one glass per day. It’s worth noting that unlike THC, CBD water will not cause intoxication.

CBD water, on the whole, is low-risk and may be beneficial, particularly in terms of boosting mood, reducing anxiety, and decreasing inflammation. However, like with any other type of wellness purchase, it’s a good idea to conduct some research before consuming it.

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