

CBD Pills Guide

CBD Pills - CBD Pills Guide

In the past, smoking your favorite high-CBD strain was the only way to get cannabidiol. CBD fans now have a lot more options

  • CBD oil
  • CBD tincture
  • CBD strips
  • CBD isolate
  • CBD cream
  • CBD patches
  • CBD edibles

Now you can add one more option to the growing list of possibilities: CBD pills. One of the fundamental advantages of CBD pills (which we’ll get into later) is that they’re inconspicuous. Have you ever noticed that nearly everyone takes a pill of one sort or another? Taking CBD in pill form allows you to blend in with the crowd.

But what are the other advantages of CBD pills, and how can you employ them? And are there any negative effects to using CBD pills? Honest Marijuana’s specialists break down everything you need to know about one of the newest types of CBD therapy.

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What Is CBD?

Simply put, CBD stands for cannabidiol. Cannabinoids are chemical compounds that are present in high amounts in the cannabis (marijuana) plant.

Other common cannabinoids include:

  • THC
  • THC-O
  • CBG
  • CBL
  • CBT
  • CBN

The amazing thing about CBD molecules — and all other cannabinoids, for that matter — is that when eaten, inhaled, or applied to the skin, they interact with neurons in the brain and receptors throughout the body to deliver numerous beneficial effects.

We’ll talk about those advantages — and how you may use them to cure a range of illnesses — later; for now, let’s look at one of the simplest methods to consume CBD.

What Are CBD Pills?

CBD pills are made from fatty oils containing extracted natural cannabinoids. CBD pills are simply gelatin capsules packed with CBD goodness.

CBD pills are frequently manufactured from CBD isolate, which is the purest form of cannabidiol. The making of CBD isolate (or extract) separates (or isolates) the CBD from other components in the marijuana plant.

The term CBD isolate is a play on words, as it refers to isolated CBD (Cannabidiol) from the cannabis plant. It’s comparable in structure to the almost-100-percent pure THC distillate that’s popular among cannabassionaries. After you’ve extracted all of the CBD from the plant material (which is a lengthy and time consuming process), you may utilize it to create your own CBD pills.

What do you think? Is it something you’d be interested in trying? Here’s a quick recipe to get you started.

CBD Pills: Uses

Cannabidiol (CBD) oil, including cannabidiol (CBD) found in CBD pills, may be utilized to cure a range of diseases and ailments. Here are some of the most prevalent reasons for utilizing CBD pills.

Reduce Pain And Inflammation

CBD binds to receptors in the brain called vanilloid receptors. These receptors control pain perception and inflammation throughout your body. As a result, CBD activity on the vanilloid receptors inhibits pain and inflammation. CBD tablets may be used to treat problems such as fibromyalgia because they work by triggering these neuroreceptors.

Protect Your Body And Brain

Cannabidiol (CBD) is a powerful antioxidant that protects your body and brain from damage caused by harmful molecules (free radicals). Free radicals have both physiological and psychological effects.

The production of free radicals can lead to neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s disease. CBD’s antioxidant capabilities have been found in studies to help counteract the consequences of this (and other) neurological illnesses.

Suppress Nausea & Stimulate Appetite

Cannabidiol (CBD) has a two-fold advantage as a digestive stimulant. It first stimulates appetite, making it simpler to consume the calories required for long-term health. Second, it reduces nausea, ensuring that those nutrients stay in your body where they belong.

Many cannabinoids, including CBD, have anti-inflammatory effects that may help to reduce pain and inflammation. These two CBD advantages might be particularly significant for cancer sufferers. Some diseases (and even therapies) reduce appetite and cause nausea. Given these adverse effects, your body may not be able to heal properly. CBD works to counteract these two issues.

Combat Anxiety And Depression

The activity of the adenosine and serotonin receptors in your brain is partially responsible for anxiety and sadness. CBD affects both.

CBD pills’ CBD activates the adenosine receptors, which helps them function properly. This decreases the anxious and suspicious feelings that anxiety disorder is associated with. The CBD in CBD pills also activates the serotonin receptors to create an antidepressant impact. As a result, CBD tablets have a good chance of treating several mental diseases effectively.

Inhibit Cancer Cell Growth

CBD has been shown in laboratory tests to prevent cancer cells from spreading. Those same studies also show that CBD inhibits cancer cell growth and may even cause cancer cells to die, according to researchers.

Treat Psychotic Disorders

CBD Pills 2 - CBD Pills Guide

Increased serum anandamide levels in the brain are used to treat psychotic disorders such as schizophrenia. Pharmaceuticals do exist to aid with this, although they may have unpleasant side effects.

CBD pills, on the other hand, boost serum anandamide levels — without the harmful and life-altering consequences of traditional pharmaceuticals. That’s a big step forward for brain-based diseases that are notoriously hard to treat.

Suppress Seizure Activity

Seizures are periods of uncontrolled shaking and loss of bodily control in the brain. Seizures, like psychotic disorders, anxiety, and sadness (all brain-based illnesses), can be tough to cure.

CBD pills help to keep your brain’s electrical impulses from going out of control by regulating their activity. This lowers seizure frequency dramatically.

Charlotte Figi is a shining example of how CBD can help. Charlotte has Dravets syndrome, which causes her to have up to 300 seizures each week. That had a significant influence on Charlotte’s young existence. After being treated with CBD, Charlotte had only one or two seizures per month.

Let’s look at some of the CBD pill’s many advantages now that we’ve discussed some of the purposes for them.

CBD Pills: Benefits

If you still haven’t found the best method to take cannabis, CBD pills are a good option. Here’s why they may be what you’ve been looking for.

Discreet Consumption

CBD pills are difficult to detect, since they’re being taken by so many people. Because everyone is taking pills, you won’t stick out if you take your CBD pill. Simply swallow the pill with a drink of water. It’s quick, easy, and painless.

No Psychoactive High

CBD does not compete with, or bind to the same receptors in your brain as THC. As a result, CBD pills do not produce a psychoactive high.

That says it’s simpler for medical users who need to take advantage of CBD’s medicinal advantages during the day but don’t have time to wait for a high to wear off.

Counteraction Of THC’s Intoxicating Effects

The mind-altering properties of THC are well-known. They include:

  • Altered perceptions
  • Lethargy
  • Couch lock
  • Paranoia
  • Memory loss
  • Drowsiness

CBD pills allow users to remain in control without getting too intoxicated.

Non-Addictive Treatment

CBD pills do not cause addiction because cannabidiol does not act on cannabinoid receptors in the brain the way other psychoactive drugs do.

Because no cannabinoid receptors are activated, there is no uncontrollable urge to return for more. So, in other words, because CBD pills’ cannabidiol does not produce any psychotropic effects, it is non-addictive.

Powerful Results

CBD pills are more effective than other methods of taking CBD because your stomach processes it differently (like smoking, dabbing, or hitting a bong). As a result, you’ll need less of it to get the same results.

For example, you may need to smoke a whole joint in order to reap the medicinal advantages of one CBD pill. CBD pills provide more bang for your buck than CBD capsules since they give you more medication for the same amount of money (but not always).

Longer-Lasting Effects

Digestion is a sluggish process. As a result, the effects of CBD pills last longer than those of CBD lotions or smoking CBD blunts. That means you’ll have to take fewer CBD tablets throughout the day.

We’ve already discussed the numerous uses and advantages of CBD pills. Now, let’s talk about possible negative consequences.

CBD Pills: Side Effects

CBD pills’ cannabidiol has only two negative effects in contrast to THC’s.

Dry Mouth

You may also experience dry mouth if you take CBD. Your saliva glands are suppressed by CBD. This might cause your mouth to become dry. Fortunately, it’s not a been-through-the-desert-on-a-horse-with-no-name type of dry mouth. It’s usually only a mild dryness that you can cure by drinking water.

Decreased Ability To Metabolize Medication

CBD and cannabidiol can slow down the metabolism of other medicines your liver is trying to process. If you’re taking CBD pills instead of another drug, it’s possible that the CBD may cancel out some or all of the intended effects.

For example, let’s say you’re taking medication for high blood pressure. Then you start taking CBD pills to combat pain and inflammation.

Cannabidiol has no impact on blood pressure, so CBD pills can’t function as a substitute for your prescription. So the issue is that the CBD pills negate the effects of your medication without providing a comparable replacement.

Let’s say you’re using CBD to alleviate depression. You start taking CBD pills to combat pain and inflammation if you’re taking antidepressants.

CBD does have an anti-anxiety and anti-depressant effect, therefore it doesn’t matter whether CBD pills counteract the effects of your medicine in this case. Regardless of what medicines you’re taking presently, consult a doctor before incorporating CBD pills into your daily regimen.

Biphasic Properties

The other side effect of CBD pills is a little more complex than the obvious dry mouth or the reasonable metabolization concept. So, let’s look at the word separately to begin with. If you deconstruct the strange term “biphasic” into its component parts, you’ll come across two words that are more familiar: bi- and phase (or, at least, a portion of the word phase).

The first, and most important, letter is “b,” which stands for bi. That’s simple enough to comprehend. A phase is a distinct time or stage in a series of events or a process of change or development.

If you combine the two words, you’ll find that biphasic is simply a fancy word for “two different phases.”

CBD, as well as other cannabinoids, has a long list of ailments that have been studied and documented (stage one). In certain cases, CBD provides a specific set of results at particular stages (stag e one). nAt higher — typically much higher — levels, CBD produces various outcomes (stage two).

Some readers may be unfamiliar with this bifunctional notion, but it isn’t uncommon. For example, alcohol is quite bifunctional.

When you consume alcohol, it has a stimulating impact at low blood alcohol levels (BAC) and helps you feel energized and ready to party. Alcohol has a depressant effect when consumed in excess, leading individuals to fall unconscious after drinking many shots.

That isn’t to suggest that CBD will have the same effect at one dosage level as it would at another, but the effects may alter as the dose increases.

It’s critical to remember that the CBD in your CBD pills may change with time, just as it’s important to remember that you could have dry mouth and drug interactions. The more knowledge you have, the better able you’ll be to get the greatest experience every time you take your CBD pills.

Can You Take Too Many CBD Pills?

It’s also feasible to take too many CBD pills technically. It is, however, technically possible to drink too much water…but only if you really want it.

We’re not sure if there’s water in it, but we do know that a high dose of CBD reaches around 50,000 milligrams. That’s 33 tablespoons — about two measuring cups — of pure CBD.

You won’t get anywhere near that much in any CBD pill on the market.

To put it another way, a 180-pound male in severe discomfort just needs to take a single 25-milligram pill (⅛ teaspoon) to feel better. That’s a long way from 50,000 milligrams (0.05 percent or five ten-thousandths of the total).

Even if the damage is significant, you could argue that it’s probably not as bad as being murdered by a junkie.

Another user took a large dose of CBD and reported little more than tiredness (which, for persons who have suffered from pain, migraines, or severe anxiety, would be a welcome side effect). We’re not suggesting it’s OK to eat two cups of CBD at once; please don’t take this as a dare.

We’re suggesting that you shouldn’t be concerned about exceeding the recommended dose of CBD when you’re first starting out.

CBD Pills Versus Smoking

Getting your cannabinoids from CBD pills or any other edible is rather different than smoking it. Even the same strain will feel somewhat different depending on how you consume it, and it all boils down to onset and duration. Weed smoking offers an extremely rapid onset of effects but brief duration.

Consider smoking marijuana like putting the pedal to the metal on a 1000-horsepower vehicle. When you smoke a powerful strain of your favorite cannabis, it feels like zero to 100 in four seconds. Unfortunately, all that power uses up a lot of gas, so the thrill or medication isn’t there for long.

After finishing a joint containing a high-CBD/low-THC strain, you’ll feel significantly better within an hour or so. You’ll start to feel anxious, uncomfortable, and nauseated once again as the effects of smoking that high-CBD/ low-THC cannabis strain wear off.

On the other hand, CBD in CBD pills has a much shorter duration of action, with effects peaking after 40 minutes and dissipating entirely within one hour.

Consider taking CBD pills to be like pushing that 1000-horsepower racecar over several miles, then cruising at 55 m.p.h. for a scenic drive through the country.

Although smoking provides a quicker burst of euphoria, CBD pills provide a more sustained level of bliss.

In general, you will not feel anything for a while after taking your first CBD pill. That’s just the way your body is designed. Be patient and don’t take another one until you’ve had enough of a “bad trip.”

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