

Cannabis and Studies: Can Weed Help You Study?

could cannabis help you study better 4 - Cannabis and Studies: Can Weed Help You Study?

It’s time for you to be honest with yourself. If you are a university student who loves cannabis, think about how it’s impacting your studies. Some research suggests it may be helpful in moderation. Here is our guide to the signs you should be watching out for.

It’s easy to get sidetracked when we should be studying, because let’s face it: sitting down and committing to work is hard. The rewards of a productive study session are great, but getting started can be tough. Social media, TV shows, going out with friends- all these things can take us away from what we’re supposed to be doing. But if we push through the procrastination barrier, the results will pay off in the end.

Thankfully, there are several strategies we can use to lengthen our attention spans and maintain our focus so that we can succeed in our academic endeavors. For some people, this means rolling a joint and having a blaze before sitting at their desks. However, cannabis can also have a detrimental effect depending on the person and how they use it. The pros and cons of using cannabis while studying are provided below, as well as best practices for those who choose to partake. Finally, you’ll be introduced to some of the top strains for boosting cognitive function.”

The Relationship Between Studying and Recreational Substances

For thousands of years, people have used substances to change the way they feel. Even today, we often forget that these psychoactive drugs are alter our everyday lives; many of us don’t think twice about the fact that coffee has properties that can change our minds while ordering a cup on the way to work. People use substances before participating in all sorts of activities, and studying is no different.

For example, the combination of dextroamphetamine and amphetamine known as Adderall has become a popular study drug among students in the United States. Similarly, so-called “smart drugs” such as modafinil have become common in British universities for the same purpose. Of course, many students can barely concentrate while studying without at least a cup or three of coffee.

But what about weed and studying? Many people think that consuming cannabis leads to red eyes, laziness, and demotivation. However, recent studies show that many cannabis consumers are actually successful and motivated. But the herb affects everybody differently when it comes to concentration and focus while trying to learn something new.

Can You Study While High?

Can cannabis use help improve focus while studying for university students? The answer to this question is not so straightforward. Some people who use cannabis find that it has a positive effect on their day-to-day lives, while others may find themselves feeling anxious or paranoid when they smoke weed. So, before delving into how pot affects studying specifically, it’s important to understand your relationship with the drug in general.

If you like how cannabis makes you feel, it might improve your focus while studying. Be aware that everyone reacts differently to cannabis- some people feel more energized and others find it hard to concentrate. It also depends on the dose and type of strain (which we’ll go over shortly). But either way, see if using cannabis suits you by looking at the pros and cons below.

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Benefits of Using Cannabis for Studying

The potential benefits you may experience from using cannabis while studying are outlined below.

Higher Energy Levels

It’s not uncommon to feel bursts of energy after consuming cannabis. You may even feel motivated enough to run a marathon. According to online reviews, the most energizing strains are sativa-dominant strains like Green Crack (aka Green Crush, Mango Crack) and Super Silver Haze (SSH). In contrast, indica-leaning strains like White Tahoe Cookies and Wedding Cake are said to be more sedating.

The label of indica or sativa does not always show how a particular strain will affect you. Instead, it is the cannabinoid and terpene content that affects a strains’ effects. A variety with lower myrcene and higher limonene may be more stimulating while a plant with high myrcene combined with sedative terpenes like linalool and humulene might be more relaxing.

Increased Focus

Some people report being more focused after consuming cannabis strains high in cannabidiol (CBD), while others find that they become fatigued. This effect is likely dose-dependent; indeed, CBD is often used as a natural sleep aid precisely because of its fatigue-inducing effects.

More Creativity

The marijuana news and lifestyle site Fresh Toast claims that word-of-mouth about the benefits of using cannabis while studying has been enthusiastic. A September 2020 article titled “Can Marijuana Help You Study?”, taking dosage and strain into consideration, suggests that cannabis might assist in focus, triggering ideas and deepening conversations.

Drawbacks and Risks

Some people may experience drawbacks after using cannabis, depending on the strain and their reaction to it.


Some people find that being high relaxes them. If you’re one of these individuals and you need to study, then using cannabis might not be the best idea. Indica strains are traditionally thought of as calming; however, some people may fall asleep after consuming a relaxing strain like Cannatonic or Hindu Kush.

Short-Term Memory Loss

Harvard Health Publishing of Harvard Medical School published a piece on cannabis and learning, titled “The Effects of Marijuana on Your Memory.” The article states that it is beyond question that “marijuana can produce short-term problems with thinking, working memory, executive function, and physical actions that require conscious thought.”

Harvard Medical researchers found that cannabis use can cause disruptions to thought processes and memory, which in turn can make it difficult for students to succeed in school. THC is the main psychoactive chemical released by the cannabis plant, and it supposedly diminished short-term memory by attaching to cannabinoid receptors in sections of the brain–including the hippocampus, amygdala and cerebral cortex–that are crucial for retaining immediate thoughts and impressions.

The negative consequences that THC has on short-term memory can be lessened by consuming strains with lower THC levels and higher CBD concentrations. Also, terpenes like pinene might help reduce those effects.

Agitation and Fidgeting

Some people find that high-THC strains cause anxiety and make it hard to focus or sit still. Additionally, THC-rich edibles can sometimes cause a racing heart, leading to feelings of agitation.

How to Pick the Right Cannabis for Studying

To improve educational outcomes while taking therapeutic cannabis products, the basic rule is to minimize THC consumption and maximize CBD intake. A 2019 study in The Lancet Child and Adolescent Health found that THC-dominant cannabis products cause a detrimental effect on short-term memory.

The Clinical Psychopharmacology Unit at University College London published a study called “Impact of Cannabidiol on the Acute Memory.” The study included 134 cannabis users who were tested for short-term memory performance seven days apart. They were tested once while under the influence of marijuana and once more when they weren’t intoxicated.

In 2010, the researchers wrote that “participants smoking cannabis high in cannabidiol (CBD) showed no memory impairment,” even though THC levels were also elevated. They came to this conclusion after collecting samples of cannabis and saliva from each participant and analyzing CBD levels.

A study published in the Journal of Psychopharmacology in August 2020 found that 600 mg of CBD edibles increased cerebral blood flow (CBF) to the hippocampus and other brain regions key to processing short-term memory. Memory function was tested by having participants count forward or backward by random amounts and perform prose recall exercises.

If you want to learn more while also taking medical cannabis, always ask your doctor first to find out what products will work best for your unique situation.

The Bottom Line

Whether or not cannabis can help with studying likely depends on the THC levels in the plant. Higher THC amounts are more likely to hinder study habits than improve them.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it hard to study high?

It all comes down to how you react when you smoke weed. If it makes you feel tired and out of it, then studying after consuming cannabis can be pretty tough. On the other hand, if being high gives you energy and motivation, then consuming cannabis while studying could actually help you out. This usually depends on what kind of cannabis affects each person differently.

Can you focus while high?

Although some people report feeling more focused when under the influence of marijuana, others find it hard to focus at all. The strains of cannabis with high levels of CBD and low THC have been shown to be the best for promoting focus, though there is no definitive proof yet.

Can being high help me study?

Studies have suggested that being high may improve studying, and cannabis use could potentially even benefit brain function overall. The Journal of Pharmacopuncture and Molecules published studies that point to cannabis’ role in slowing or preventing neurodegenerative diseases- which often affect memory power & other faculties central to the brain such as Alzheimer’s or epilepsy.

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