

Baking Soda And Weed: How to Use Baking Soda When Growing Cannabis

baking soda and weed - Baking Soda And Weed: How to Use Baking Soda When Growing Cannabis

Although it may sound impossible, baking soda can be a useful tool during cannabis cultivation. It helps to raise pH levels, gets rid of powdery mildew, repels pests, and even cleans buds after harvest. However, if not used correctly, there are some risks associated with its use. Learn all the ins and outs here.

Baking soda might not be the first thing you think of when it comes to weed, but hear us out! Baking soda has many uses beyond cooking and cleaning, including in the garden. Solutions made with baking soda can help fight diseases and pests while also regulating pH levels. Furthermore, baking soda can be used after harvest to prepare your buds for use. However, caution is key! Too much or wrong timing can really mess things up.

What Is Baking Soda?

Baking soda, also known as bicarbonate of soda or sodium bicarbonate, is a leavening agent. It’s alkaline with a pH of 9.5 and reacts with acidic ingredients like vinegar and buttermilk to create carbon dioxide gas bubbles that make breads and batters rise during baking.

Undoubtedly, baking soda is a staple in many kitchens but did you know that its alkaline pH also makes it useful outside of the kitchen?

Baking soda is a versatile substance that can be used for hygiene, cleaning, and even cooking. In the realm of hygiene, you’ll find the substance in natural toothpaste and mouthwashes. Moreover, baking soda is used as an antacid to counter the acidity of stomach acid in cases of heartburn. Those wishing to avoid harsh chemical cleaning products also rely on baking soda as a scouring powder, drain cleaner, and carpet deodoriser.

Not only does baking soda help around the house, but it can also be used as a natural gardening input to get rid of pests and diseases and balance pH levels.

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Why Use Baking Soda in Your Cannabis Garden?

You might think it’s strange to douse your cannabis plants with a baking soda foliar spray, but under the right conditions, it can actually be an effective cultivation solution. Below, we’ll explain some of the best uses for baking soda in your cannabis garden and when you should avoid using it (for example: during the later flowering stage).

How Do You Apply Baking Soda to Plants?

Baking soda is a versatile tool that can be used by farmers to help improve their crops. It can be sprayed on plants as a diluted foliar spray, or it can be added directly to the soil. Baking soda can also be used after harvest to remove contaminants from your buds (more on this below).

Baking Soda as a Fungicide and Pesticide

Out of the various fungal pathogens that infect cannabis plants and draw out vital nutrients, powdery mildew is one of the most frequent culprits. Sadly, this particular type of fungus can be quite damaging. Along with fungi, pests are another huge threat to marijuana gardens and grow rooms. If ignored, some species can quickly decimate whole forests. For example, Aphids are very common cannabis pests that could do a lot of damage because they have sharp mouthparts that allow them to puncture plant tissue and drink the nutrient sap inside. Also, they can multiply by cloning themselves quickly so it is hard to get rid of them once they take over an area.

If you’re hesitant to use chemical pesticides because of the possible negative impacts on your garden and surroundings, know that there are other safe and just as effective solutions. For example, trying sprinkling baking soda on weeds instead.

Basic Baking Soda Foliar Spray Recipe

You can make a cheap and simple baking soda solution at home to help your plant recover from an infection or infestation. See the directions below.

Note: Even when used as a foliar spray, baking soda can have a big impact on pH levels, so always err on the side of diluting it more. If you see any evidence that your plant is stressed, like leaves curling or discolouration, stop using the baking soda immediately and douse the leaves in fresh water.


  • Baking soda
  • Liquid non-detergent dishwashing soap
  • Equipment
  • 5l bottle
  • Spray bottle
  • Directions
  1. Start by mixing 4.5l of water, 1 tablespoon of baking soda, and ½ teaspoon of soap in the 5l bottle.
  2. After mixing thoroughly, transfer some of the solution into your spray bottle.
  3. Administer the solution on the foliage during overcast days to avoid leaf burn. Apply generously on both sides of affected fan leaves and stems.

Baking soda works great by itself, but adding soap to the mix makes it even better. Simply walk around your garden or grow room and spray as needed. It’s worth mentioning that you should only apply baking soda during the vegetative and pre-flowering phases; if you do it during mid or late flowering, it can cause residue buildup on your buds.

Use Baking Soda to Increase pH

While baking soda can be helpful in soil, it’s important to use it correctly and remain mindful of pH levels. Cannabis growers need to monitor their soil’s pH as part of the cultivation process; when nutrient levels are unbalanced, plants cannot absorb what they need.

If your soil test results find that your soil is too acidic, don’t worry! You can neutralize the acidity by adding baking soda to raise the level to the desired range of 6.0-7.0, which is considered the sweet spot. To do this, mix a tablespoon of baking soda into 5 litres (or 1 gallon) of water and use as needed. Start small depending on container size, and measure pH again several hours after administration to make sure you’ve achieved desired goal. Test your soil’s pH before using the solution, and continue testing it afterwards to make sure the pH stays within the desired range. Baking soda has a very drastic effect on pH, so use caution when adding it. Too much could easily throw off the pH balance and make the issue worse instead of better.

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Baking Soda During Bud Washing

While it may seem odd to wash your buds, many growers do so in order to remove any contaminants that might affect the flavor of their product. Cannabis trichomes are very sticky and can attract all sorts of unwelcome particles, including soil, dust, insect eggs and droppings, and cobwebs—not something you want in your lungs!

The process of bud washing starts with a cleansing solution made from baking soda, lemon juice, and fresh water. Afterward, the buds are rinsed in two buckets of fresh water to make sure no residue is left behind. The combination of baking soda and lemon juice helps remove any particles you don’t want on your weed while preserving the trichomes.

Does Baking Soda Have a Place During the Flowering Phase?

Baking soda is not an effective pest control solution for cannabis plants after week two of flowering. At this stage in the growth cycle, you’ll need to employ different methods to protect your crops from pests and disease. Do not apply baking soda sprays later than recommended, or else you will taste the terrible consequences. But what about during bud washing? Though washing your buds in a weakly diluted solution can’t compare to spraying sticky flowers directly with baking soda, it is much more difficult to remove prior to drying, curing, and smoking.

Baking Soda on Weed: Wise or Foolish?

Baking soda is a cost-effective and easy method that home growers can use to get rid of specific pests and diseases. You can also utilize baking soda when you want to increase soil pH or wash buds. Keep in mind that you should use these preparations at the appropriate time and in the right amount. If you apply too much or administer it too late into flowering, it could negatively affect plant health and flavor.

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