

Weed Tea

best recipes for weed tea 3 - Weed Tea

Cannabis-infused teas, such as edibles, allow you to eat cannabis without the unpleasant side effects of smoking or vaporizing it. Your marijuana tea, on the other hand, will not include any food allergies and is far easier to make at home than edibles. It may be prepared in a number of ways utilizing a variety of ingredients and plant parts based on your own preferences. Cannabis tea can be made in several ways, some of which are detailed below.

  • It’s critical to use dry cannabis to separate THC, the water-soluble cannabinoids, and terpenes from cannabis flower (less intoxicating since THC is not water soluble).
  • Combine cannabis with a fat (e.g., coconut oil, butter, etc.) and tea leaves to make a latte-style drink.
  • Adding cannabis tincture to tea will make it more potent.

It all comes down to how you want to feel, so here’s everything you need to know about making the perfect cup of tea.

Does weed tea get you high?

weed tea 03 402x400 - Weed TeaIf prepared correctly, marijuana tea will cause intoxication. However, producing a cannabis-infused tea that consistently provides an intoxicating high isn’t as simple as it appears. Getting THC from the plant might be difficult due to decarboxylation and cannabinoid solubility restrictions, but don’t worry; once you grasp a few fundamental principles, it’s all green fields!

Cannabis plants naturally generate the non-intoxicating compound THCA, which is THC but with an extra carboxyl ring that inhibits euphoria. The euphoric blocking ring is removed by decarboxylation, which transforms THCA to THC and activates a variety of therapeutic and intoxicating effects. This may appear difficult, but the heat needed to decarboxylate cannabis while smoking or vaporizing it does not need additional effort from our end. The conversion occurs naturally when cannabis is cooked in butter or oils, or hash or kief are added to a favorite meal and then baked in the oven for edibles.

How long does weed tea take to kick in?

Cannabis tea is absorbed through your stomach and then broken down in your liver. Because it goes via absorption into your lungs, this takes considerably longer than smoking marijuana. You may have to wait an hour or two before you feel the tea’s effects, although the effects will be more long-lasting and powerful than those produced by smoking.

Begin with a little amount, and work your way up as needed. Start with a cup and be patient at least an hour before making another (or modifying it with our suggestions below).

How much weed do you need for weed tea?

The amount of marijuana you’ll need for weed tea is determined by how much plant material you’re processing and the strength of the effects you want to achieve. If you want one gram of cannabis flower with a THC concentration of 20 percent, consume up to 200 milligrams.

When using dry flower, you may need more than if you’re using an infused fat-based product like butter or oils since THC is fat-soluble and binds better to them than water. The recipes provided here use a modest amount of cannabis flower, but they can easily be increased or decreased based on your personal requirements.

How many grams of stems do I need to make weed stem tea?

weed tea 01 456x400 - Weed TeaWe’ve all had those awful days when we realize, “Shit, we’re out of weed!” That’s when the stems come in handy. While marijuana stems do contain a bit of THC, it’s only around 0.3 percent, so you’ll need a lot of them; especially if you have a high tolerance; we recommend starting with a half-cup worth if you have it. Steeping cannabis buds may take longer because they are more fibrous than cannabis stems, but you may make an effective marijuana tea using them.

Can I use dabs for weed tea?

If you run out of dabbing supplies and don’t know how to decarboxylate high-quality extracts, you may steep them in your favorite tea. Simply heat any concentrate you want to use in a weed tea before using it.

Because dabs are composed of oil, they will adhere better to lipids in coconut oil, cream, or butter rather than simply being mixed with water straight away. Many extracts contain solvents, so it’s a good idea to use a full-spectrum and solvent-free dab like rosin to ensure that the extract is fully dissolved.

Weed tea recipes

We’ve got two potent and appealing weed tea recipes, as well as two in-a-pinch alternatives if you’re in a bind. The cannabis tea recipe with rose and chamomile can be changed millions of ways; simply add your own choice of tea leaves or flowers, plus ground cannabis (or stems!). The cannabis-infused golden milk with coconut oil has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant qualities that are difficult to beat, making it the ideal way to wind down at night.


We designed these tea leaves with one goal in mind: to give you a flavorful and healthy alternative to store-bought teas that are both simple and quick to brew. We’ve tried all of the recipes ourselves, as well as with friends, but we strongly advise using an infuser and some sort of sieve for these drinks since it ensures they steep for the appropriate amount of time and removes any plant residue when you’re ready to drink. They aren’t necessary, but your tea will not taste the same without them.

Weed tea with rose and chamomile

Dosage: For this dish, we recommend using 2 teaspoons of cannabis concentrate. This is determined by the strength of your marijuana. You may add more or less as needed to fit your tolerance levels


  • Cannabis infused honey (optional)weed tea 23 471x400 - Weed Tea
  • 2 teaspoons ground cannabis trim, stems, or buds
  • Coconut milk (optional)
  • 2 teaspoons dried chamomile
  • 2 teaspoons dried rose buds


  1. You may decarboxylate your dried herb before or after it has been dehydrated. (This is again a question of whether you’re interested in THCA or THC.)
  2. Place the dried flowers in an infuser and soak for 5-10 minutes in hot water.
  3. Remove the infuser and add more cannabis-infused honey or coconut milk for greater effects.

Cannabis golden milk with medicated coconut oil

Dosage: The quantity of cannabis coconut oil you use is determined by the product’s strength. It’s easy to add extra or decrease it, depending on your level of comfort.


  • 1 cup unsweetened almond milkweed tea 04 324x400 - Weed Tea
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 1 1” piece fresh turmeric, unpeeled, thinly sliced, or 1/2 teaspoon dried turmeric
  • 1 ½” piece ginger, unpeeled, thinly sliced
  • 1/4 teaspoon whole black peppercorns
  • 1 Tbsp coconut oil (cannabis-infused or not)
  • 1 Tbsp honey (cannabis-infused or not)
  • 1 tsp ground cinnamon, for serving


  1. In a saucepan, combine the cinnamon, turmeric, ginger, honey, peppercorns, and 1 cup water over low heat. Bring to a simmer for 3 minutes. Remove from the heat and set aside.
  2. Reduce the heat to low and simmer the cannabis coconut oil with the rest of the ingredients for about 30 minutes, or until thickened.
  3. Pour the sauce into a mixing dish, add salt and pepper to taste, then simmer for 10 minutes.
  4. In a saucepan, combine the coffee and water and bring to a simmer over medium heat. Remove from the heat and filter through a fine-mesh sieve into mugs, then top with cinnamon.

How to make weed stem tea

If you only have stems, you may still brew stem tea using our first method. However, because of the distinct strength levels, your ratios of components will vary.

Dosage: You won’t know for sure until you try it


  • At least 1/4 cup weed stems
  • 1 Tbsp of a fat-soluble binding agent, such as butter or coconut oil
  • Your tea leaves/blend of choice


  1. If you want to decarb your stems before steepinf, go for it; if not, grind them first.
  2. Bring the amount of water to a boil that you’ll require for your tea, such as 1 cup for a more powerful brew, 2-3 cups for a milder high.
  3. Place the tea with the stems in a teapot and dissolve the binding agent in water before inserting it into a tea infuser.
  4. Place the tea leaves and stems in a strainer. Pour the hot water into the infuser and leave it to steep for at least 10 minutes. You may want to use two separate infusers or bags to extract undesirable stemmy flavor from the leaves and stems.

How to make cannabis plant (compost) tea

Remember, don’t squander anything. Making a weed compost tea is one of the most simple methods to get rid of any cannabis you may have kept or come across. Make a stem tea with leaves, older buds, and any other plant trash you have accessible by following the same technique.

How to make weed tea more potent

weed tea 06 579x400 - Weed TeaDespite our best efforts, the tea will not always hit you as hard as you desire or need it to. Fortunately, if your first tea is missing in the THC category, there are a number of ways to boost the dose.

Add kief

When in doubt, break out the grinder. Because trichomes have fallen, it is a simple method to enhance your dose. During the steeping process, add them to your stem, compost, or flower material. Keep in mind that because you won’t be able to tell how much THC is in your kief, you won’t be able to predict the effect.

Incorporate a tincture

Tinctures found in dispensaries, on the other hand, must be decarboxylated before use. You won’t have to do anything to activate the THC in tinctures obtained from dispensaries. Because oil and water don’t mix well, glycerin or alcohol-based tinctures are preferable to those prepared with oil.

To make a tincture, simply add the correct amount of drops to your tea, mixing it in. If you want to improve consistency by using milk or cream instead of oil, you may do so.


Rick Simpson Oil is a well-known therapy for a variety of health problems and even life-saving effects, according to several medical consumers. It’s also quite strong, with weeks-long treatments being advised by doctors in order to attain tolerance.

The RSO from udemir is sticky, thick, and has an unpleasant flavor, but because of its strength, you don’t need much; instead of coconut oil, try a half rice grain’s worth of RSO in the golden milk recipe.

Is cannabis tea more potent than smoking and edibles?

Because everyone’s body is different, the same edible might have very diverse effects on each person. Furthermore, because you’re creating weed tea at home, you don’t know how much you’ll get. Concentrates are the most powerful form of cannabis available and may be used to make a cup of dab-infused weed tea that would rock even the OG’s socks off if that’s your thing.

It’s not easy to determine how much THC is in your cannabis. Although smoking marijuana reduces the amount of THC you can breathe, the intoxicating effect is almost immediate and brief. Weed tea acquired via digestion has a longer onset of effects, resulting in a stronger high with increased dosage potential, and you may select for greater intensity.

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