

Weed Honey

Weed Honey 3 - Weed Honey

Honey has been consumed as food and medicine for thousands of years. A far better alternative than refined sugar, which is devoid of health benefits, is amber nectar, which is high in health-promoting plant components. Honeybees produce the rich and delicious liquid that has become known as “nature’s sweetener.”

Honey has been linked to a lower risk of heart disease, according to studies. Honey is also thought to help decrease blood pressure. Honey is also linked to better cholesterol levels. Because honey causes blood sugar levels to rise less than refined sugar, it is not as hazardous for diabetics.

Weed Honey 2 - Weed Honey

Honey has also grown in popularity as a delectable cannabis honey dish by canna-chefs. If not longer, it’s likely that mankind has been preparing marijuana honey for millennia! According to certain reports, the ancient Egyptians utilized a recipe similar to this during religious ceremonies.

The “craft” cannabis honey market is heating up. As a result, we’ll look at cannabis-infused honey and its advantages, as well as show you how to produce it at home in this article.

What is it?

Honey contains traces of marijuana, as you would expect. You might not be aware that bees and cannabis are connected. According to a study by Colton O’Brien in November 2018 in Crossing Borders: Entomology in a Changing World, bees began visiting hemp fields in Colorado because to an increase in demand for CBD.

During one month in the state, O’Brien claims that 23 distinct species of bees were trapped in hemp traps (August). He conducted the study because he heard a loud buzzing noise while walking through the fields. It may be a “rescue” crop for bees since hemp blooms from late July to early September after other plants have finished blossoming.

According to Elizabeth Vernon, founder of Bird and the Bee and also known as “Queen Bee,” making cannabis tincture first before adding it in honey is the easiest method of producing cannabis honey. While many plants may be combined with honey easily, cannabis lacks the required lipids to combine with honey. If at all possible, use the MagicalButter device, according to Vernon.

Honey and cannabis are frequently linked in terms of their supposed health benefits. Honey is mostly carbohydrate-based, with vitamins, amino acids, organic acids, proteins, and minerals included. Epileptics who use cannabinoids such as THC or CBD claim to experience pain alleviation, seizure reduction, and anxiety relief.

What’s in it?

To produce cannabis honey, you’ll need cannabis and honey. That’s all there is to it. I prefer using a high-CBD strain that does not make me sleepy. To complete the process, a liquid may be added to the blender. The following ingredients can also be used: almond milk, flaxseed meal, unsalted butter, egg yolks (for color), vanilla extract or essential oil, rose water or other fragrances (optional). Other herbs such as lavender, basil, thyme, rosemary, or ylang-ylang could also be combined.

What’s the point of weed honey? 

There are a plethora of methods to get high these days, and nearly everyone has their own favorite. Joints and blunts are popular among some people, while others would never leave home without their vape pen.

Edibles have a certain allure, no matter how you look at it. They don’t require smoking or vaping and don’t leave an odor that has to be aired out of your house, so what’s not to love? The high from edibles can last for several hours and give you a warm and fuzzy full-body sensation that makes watching “Bee Movie” pleasurable. Is it feasible that a cannabis edible may transform your day from complete catastrophe to triumph? It’s hard to say, but I’m willing on my life savings. Is it possible that a marijuana edible will turn your day from bad to wonderful? It’s difficult to say, but I’ll wager my life’s savings on it. Is this an angel or a siren? And who is Melina the Mermaid in Nashville, Tennessee about them here?) Are they actual dogs with fish-like features or are they something else entirely? What sort of creatures are they? Do bears dream about honey or anything at all while hibernating for months at a time? How can honey get off their paws if they don’t have any claws?

The great thing about edibles is that they’re concentrated and pleasurable, which you’ve no doubt discovered. While they may not cause you to abandon your vape pens right away, they can be a welcome change of pace from time to time.

How to make cannabis-infused honey

Cannabis-infused honey is incredibly simple to make. This recipe, which only requires two components and simmering over low heat for an hour, was revealed to us by Cody Lindsay, the Wellness Soldier. If you wish to view this film, go down a few paragraphs.

Honey Infused Marijuana #1

Weed Honey - Weed Honey


  • 1 cup of honey
  • 3.5 grams of decarboxylated Blurberry cannabis

The essential (and often missed) first step: Decarboxylating the cannabis

Before making your infusion, you’ll need to decarboxylate the cannabis flower you’re working with. Skipping this step will result in an ineffective or non-functional end product. Here’s why: Cannabis buds are acidic and non-intoxicating in nature and produce THCA as a byproduct. When cannabis is heated, it transforms THCA into THC, the psychoactive ingredient derived from it. This is also how CBD edibles are produced; as a result, if you want to eat CBD oil, do not skip these steps.

Directions for making a cannabis infusion with honey

  1. Decarb cannabis. Preheat the oven to 245°F. Put cannabis buds on an oven-safe tray. To keep the buds from sticking, cover the tray with parchment paper. Set a timer for 30-40 minutes for older, drier cannabis or 10-18 minutes at 300°F if you’re drying younger, greener bud. Every 10 minutes, gently shake the buds back and forth with a gentle shake of the tray to ensure that they are equally exposed surface area every time.
  2. To prepare cannabis and honey for a stovetop treatment, combine them in a double boiler.
  3. Simmer. Simmer over a very low heat for at least 40 minutes. The mixture must never come to a full boil.
  4. Strain the honey. Cover a jar with cheesecloth and set a funnel over it. After the honey has cooled, pour it into the funnel while allowing it to filter freely. (Tip: Squeezing the cheesecloth may cause more bad-tasting plant material to pass through).
  5. Dose carefully. Before adding honey to meals, snacks, or desserts, check the dosage instructions below.

Honey Infused Marijuana #2


  • 1 cup of honey
  • 3.5- 7 grams of decarboxylated cannabis (depending on the potency you prefer)
  • Cheesecloth
  • String (optional)
  • Crock pot
  • Airtight jar for storage 


  1. In a quart container, combine the honey, cheesecloth-wrapped decarboxylated cannabis, and seal with a lid. This will make removing the cannabis from the honey easier at the end of the process. In a quart container, combine the honey, cloth wrap, and decarboxylated cannabis together; then close with a lid and keep out of direct sunlight.
  2. Place a hand towel in the bottom of the crockpot to catch any water that splashes up, and fill the jar with water until it is completely immersed above the honey.
  3. Turn the crockpot on low and cook for about 8 hours, giving the jar a shake every hour and burping the top if you notice pressure building up.
  4. Remove the pot from the heat carefully, taking care not to burn yourself. With tongs, remove the cannabis-infused cheesecloth from the jar. Squeeze any remaining honey out of the cheesecloth into the jar, being careful to include all of it.

Another alternative is to use a double boiler method, such as the one in this recipe. Place the decarboxylated cannabis in a honey jar and simmer on low heat in a double boiler for about 40 minutes, making sure it does not boil. Remove the honey and cannabis from the heat and strain it through cheesecloth into a new container.

Tips for making infused honey

Making honey with cannabis added is simple, and you’ll only have to complete three steps. The procedure begins with infusing the plant, which is then strained. There are a few things to take into account, though.

  • Select high-CBD varieties. While any cannabis plant may be used to make infused honey, high-CBD strains with low THC contents are preferred. It’s now completely legal thanks to the 2018 farm bill, and it’s available right here.
  • Use honey that is high-quality and has a flavor you enjoy. Seek for raw, local honey whenever feasible. Specialty honeys, such as clover or alfalfa honeys, are fantastic inclusions to your combination.
  • Precision is essential. The Ardent Fx is an all-in-one precision cooker/infuser that ensures optimum results (and shorter infusion times).
  • Keep it as is with any other honey. It should be kept at room temperature away from bright light and heat, just as you would homemade honey. Honey has a long shelf life, but infused honeys should be consumed within a few months after being made.
  • Begin slowly. A half teaspoon to a full teaspoon is a good place to start.

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