

Medical Marijuana for Bursitis Relief: How Does It Work?

Cannabis Bursitis - Medical Marijuana for Bursitis Relief: How Does It Work?

Cannabis and CBD, intentionally or not, have been a major driving force behind many physical and mental illnesses as medicine has developed. THC oil and medical marijuana are already well integrated into the alternative medicine movement, but what about CBD? As the molecule becomes more popular, you may have noticed a slew of companies claiming that CBD can cure XYZ disease. Is this claim true?

Cannabis Bursitis 3 - Medical Marijuana for Bursitis Relief: How Does It Work?

We’re searching for innovative CBD applications, and one of them is Bursitis. This problem affects the bursae, which are protective sacks that surround your bones. When the bursa becomes inflamed, it acts as a fluid-filled cushion, making it extremely painful and affecting your day in various ways.

Increasing numbers of people are using cannabis and CBD to alleviate pain and inflammatory diseases like bursitis. But, exactly how do these drugs function, and are they really as beneficial as people claim? Here’s everything you need to know about cannabis for bursitis, including how to use it to get the most out of it.

What Is Bursitis?

Bursitis is an inflammation of the bursae, or fluid-filled sacs surrounding the joints. The bursae are crucial for efficient joint function since they cushion the tendon, bone, and ligament tissues while allowing them to glide easily. Bursitis can go away on its own, but a bout of bursitis might cause discomfort, swelling, restricted motion and mobility issues.

Causes of Bursitis

Bursitis is an inflammatory condition that develops when a joint is used too much. It’s not always caused by trauma; rather, overuse of a joint can trigger it. Bursitis may be induced by sitting or kneeling on hard surfaces for extended periods of time. People who are unhealthy, have poor posture, or lead a sedentary lifestyle are more likely to get bursitis. Even infection may cause bursitis in certain situations. Bursitis is linked to several illnesses, including diabetes and arthritis.

Types of Bursitis

Bursitis affects any bursa in the body, although it is most common in the joints that are used the most. The following are examples of some of the various types of bursitis:

  • Shoulder bursitis: This is one of the most frequent locations for bursitis to develop since it is the joint with the greatest range of motion in the body. The shoulder has three major bursae: the subdeltoid bursa, the subacromial bursa, and the subscapular bursa, with each having a varying degree of probability of inflammation. When lying on his or her afflicted side or reaching overhead at a 60 to 90 degree angle, shoulder bursitis is particularly unpleasant.
  • Hip bursitis: Bursitis most often affects women, especially middle-aged and older ones. The discomfort is usually greater when lying on the afflicted side or getting out of a chair. Early on, the pain is sharp and piercing, whereas over time, it becomes more of an ache. You may require the use of a cane or some other assisted walking device to get around with hip bursitis.
  • Elbow bursitis: Bursitis of the elbow, usually known as Olecranon Bursitis, is a condition in which the olecranon bursa becomes inflamed and is painful. Swelling is one of the first indications of elbow bursitis infection; however, pain, warmth, and redness indicate that the elbow bursa has been infected.
  • Knee bursitis: This form of bursitis is often known as clergyman’s knee or housemaid’s knee. Runners and those who frequently kneel, such as plumbers, are more likely to develop bursitis of the kneecap, according to Stanford Health Care. A lime or grapefruit-sized lump may develop in one or both knees due to localized swelling and irritation.

Bursitis may manifest in a variety of ways, ranging from the most typical (big toe, heel, and wrist), to the less common (base of the big toe, heel and wrist).

Bursitis can be acute or persistent. Bursitis that is acute manifests itself and may last for hours or days. Chronic bursitis can persist from a few days to several weeks or longer. You might have recurring bursitis, which comes and goes.

Symptoms of Bursitis

The first indication of bursitis is usually pain in the affected joint, accompanied by tenderness and visible swelling. When you use the joint, bursitis discomfort is typically worst, but many people also suffer from pain at night while attempting to sleep. Joint discomfort may be severe if the swelling is severe. Bursitis symptoms can include a sudden inability to move the limb.

Bursitis is a painful and sometimes debilitating condition in which the tissues that surround a joint become inflamed. The tissues surrounding an affected joint may feel stiff or achy, be hurt when touched or moved, and look red and swollen, with or without a rash.

Effects of Bursitis

Bursitis, on the other hand, is a painful and swelling condition that usually goes away in a few weeks or months with therapy. The discomfort and swelling may be severe enough to prevent full usage of the afflicted joint. Surgical treatment for bursitis is sometimes required, which comes with its own dangers and recovery time.

Bursitis can also develop in fewer places, such as the elbow. Bursitis is an injury to the bursa, which is a sac-like structure that cushions and lubricates joints. A bursa infection or inflammation is referred to as septic bursitis. If the infection spreads to the circulation or other regions of your body, it may be life-threatening. Both typical bursitis and septic bursitis have the same symptoms: fever, a sick feeling overall, extreme redness or warmth of the afflicted joint, and severe tenderness of the joint.

People who suffer from chronic bursitis often have difficulty sleeping and may become depressed.

Statistics of Bursitis

Facts surrounding bursitis include:

  • According to Dr. Marco Funiciello, there are about 160 bursae in the human body, any of which might be affected by bursitis.
  • Bursitis is more prevalent in individuals over the age of 65. It’s one of the most common causes of shoulder discomfort among seniors.
  • Bursitis can affect athletes of all levels, from weekend warriors to professional athletes. Repetitive motions can cause bursitis inflammation, as can being overweight or excessively muscular.
  • According to the American Medical Society for Sports Medicine, trochanteric bursitis, which affects the bursa near the hip, is more common in women, runners, and those aged 30 to 50.
  • Knee bursitis is a painful condition that affects up to 10% of runners, according to the American Physical Therapy Association.

Current Treatments Available for Bursitis and Their Side Effects

Rest, elevation, compression, and ice packs are all effective in treating a typical case of bursitis. To reduce inflammation and swelling as well as pain caused by hip bursitis, over-the-counter pain medication and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs may be prescribed.

These include:

  • Anti-inflammatory medications: Such as ibuprofen (Advil and Motrin), aspirin and/or naproxen (Aleve)
  • Cox-2 inhibitors: Such as Celebrex
  • Acetaminophen: Such as Tylenol

Bursitis can be treated by primary care physicians, rheumatologists, physical therapists, and sports medicine specialists. Cortisone injections are sometimes used to relieve discomfort and restore range of motion right away, although they aren’t recommended as a long-term treatment. If the infection is suspected, bursa fluid may be aspirated for lab testing. Ultrasound therapy and physiotherapy are sometimes used in the treatment of certain types of bursitis.

Before it spreads, septic bursitis should be cured with antibiotics to eradicate the infection. The inflamed and infected fluid may also be suctioned many times. In a bursectomy, part of the bursa sac is removed in order to drain the inflammatory and infected water.

Bursitis generally goes away after a few weeks with treatment, although some people develop bursitis again or continue to have it for much longer. In this situation, surgery may be required to repair or eliminate the inflamed bursa sac.

Recent Developments in the Treatment of Bursitis

Cannabis Bursitis 2 - Medical Marijuana for Bursitis Relief: How Does It Work?

The traditional treatment for hip bursitis is a surgical procedure to remove the inflamed bursa. Physicians are utilizing a new technique that involves arthroscopic bursal excision via an operation. Because the method is less invasive than many operations, you’ll be able to resume your normal activities more quickly. It’s still early in the game with this therapy, but it appears promising so far.

Using CBD for Bursitis

There are a variety of factors to consider when taking CBD for bursitis to get the most out of it. There are many distinct ways to consume cannabis, and oils and edibles are well-known selections. Concentrates, on the other hand, provide a strong dose of cannabinoids for those in severe discomfort. A topical application, however, may be one of the most efficient methods to utilize cannabis for bursitis.

Creams, balms, and sprays enable customers to apply cannabis straight to painful regions for more focused relief. According to animal research, this technique could reduce edema and pain in four days. After that, it’s important to get a high-quality product with lab results to confirm its cannabinoid content. A full-spectrum cream that includes a variety of additional cannabinoids and terpenes as well as CBD may be most useful.

These compounds are thought to work together to improve the effects of each other as well as provide their own anti-inflammatory benefits, according to experts.

Finally, examine the cream’s contents. Many makers add soothing or anti-inflammatory compounds to the mix in addition to active components. Consumers, on the other hand, may be uncomfortable with lengthy ingredient lists jam-packed with unneeded additives.

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