

Does Eating Mango Get You Higher?

does eating mango get you higher 11 - Does Eating Mango Get You Higher?

NO! The end.

As much as I wish this myth could be dispelled with a simple no, the power of placebo makes it essential to examine further. Mangos do not enhance your high in any way; if you think they do, that’s only due to mindset and not from anything contained within mangos themselves.

What exactly is the mango claim?

Did you know that consuming a mango before smoking or taking edibles can make your high last longer? It’s not just hearsay – mangos are packed with myrcene, which helps open the blood-brain barrier and allow for more THC to reach your brain. This means even greater highs that linger far longer than usual!

Before we dive into busting the mango myth, ask yourself a couple of questions.

Are you wondering what type of mango to choose? Or when the perfect time is to indulge in its sweet and succulent flesh? How many mangos should your body weight dictate, if any at all? Lastly, do you need a break before smoking after having eaten one or more delicious pieces of this juicy fruit?

Doesn’t it seem unlikely that someone would offer such an incredibly simplistic instruction like “eat some mango, mannnn” if this so-called ‘mango claim’ were actually true?

Why is the mango claim bogus?

  1. With the most popular types of mango, myrcene is virtually undetectable. Carene, limonene and terpinolene appear to be more dominant in these varieties; however there are other foods which contain much higher levels of myrcene than mangoes do. Why then were mangos singled out as having a particularly low percentage?
  2. Contrary to popular belief, Myrcene does not have the capacity to augment THC potency at CB1 receptors that produce psychoactive effects.
  3. Unlike other compounds, THC has a lipophilic nature which allows it to effortlessly pass through the BBB. Consequently, no assistance from myrcene is necessary for this process.
  4. When you ingest terpenes, either on their own or from food sources, your stomach breaks them down into different derivatives. Just as the liver processes cannabinoids and other drugs, the same thing happens with these compounds. A few of the metabolites formed can interact with cells to induce physiological effects while others cannot.
  5. The power of a terpene is directly correlated to its dosage. For instance, Ibuprophen must be taken in an amount ranging from 400-600 mg for it to be effective, while only 2.5-5mg of THC are necessary for effectiveness. Just like any other drug or therapeutic compound does, terpenes also have their own special potency levels; however currently clinical trials involving ingested terpenes and the corresponding doses that would effectively treat certain ailments do not exist yet due to lack of research. Nevertheless some studies conducted on mice and cells evince that specific types of terpenes (not myrcene) may amplify cannabinoid activity when used at very high concentrations – though further investigation into this matter is still needed. It’s important to remember that humans are not mice, so the results from these studies must be viewed critically. Mouse research is an essential precursor for human testing and experimentation, but unfortunately it does not always carry over in a similar manner.

does eating mango get you higher 12 - Does Eating Mango Get You Higher?

The Placebo Effect is an incredibly potent force, and it’s getting bolder! All it takes for its power to be activated is the collective belief that something will work. It doesn’t matter if this “something” are mangos, ribeye steaks, dandelions, hay or Swedish Fish – as long as people think that their consumption will deliver results then they most certainly shall! In fact research has indicated that sugar pills can achieve greater outcomes than some medications. Imagine how effective could your friends’ mango jello be when you all believe in its power!

While I’m in awe of the power of our minds to make us feel great when we eat mangos, what truly bothers me is how quickly people will spread something without verifying it or doing any research. It’s incredible that individuals are so trusting and gullible!

When it comes to misinformation regarding cannabis, something as innocent-sounding as an enhanced mango high may seem insignificant. Even so, when looking at the larger picture of ridding ourselves of erroneous information about marijuana, facts are our strongest ally! It’s important that we don’t take everything we hear about cannabis for face value – instead I’d encourage you to adopt a slightly skeptical attitude towards anything novel you come across.

We should never accept everything at face value nor automatically assume that a statement is accurate. It’s best to dig deeper and ask for more details, such as references or additional research material. Always confirm the data presented to you and guarantee its relevance specifically to humans before making any decisions.

Now it’s time to have some fun. Test my hypothesis by taking a friend or family member with you to the grocery store and buying fresh ingredients. Prepare dinner for them and let them know that they will feel an extra buzz from what you cooked up! If they ask why, give ’em an answer – tell them about how the terpenes in your dressing combined with THC can boost their high; or maybe about how omegas found in salmon increase CB receptors activity; or even something like flavonoids working alongside THC produce entourage effect. Testing new recipes is a must! Let your inner chef out and have some fun with it, but make sure you come off as convincing. If you don’t know what to say, just tell them that at a party, many people were discussing their great experience after trying the dish – so of course, you had to try it too and got extremely high from doing so!

Make sure to savor your meal before smoking, as it takes approximately 30-45 minutes for the ingredient to be digested and start working its magic. As you smoke with them like usual, try not to ask questions such as “how do you feel?” or make remarks about feeling extra high yourself. Rather, let them come up with any observations on their own so that they can recognize the power of this special herb!

It may take two or more people to demonstrate the placebo effect, as some individuals’s genetics make them resistant. Still, it will eventually happen and you’ll be astounded by how strong suggestion and the placebo effect can be!

What you believe sets the tone for what you are able to observe.

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