Monthly Archives: July 2022

Cannabis Concentrates

cannabis concentrates 11 - Cannabis Concentrates

Cannabis extracts have only recently become popular. However, it is thought that people have used them for over 12,000 years! According to historians, this potent creation from the cannabis plant was utilized in China’s Steppe Mountains many millennia ago. Concentrates are often referred to as “hash,” although they are a long way from the dark-colored […]

What Is Kief

what is kief 13 - What Is Kief

Kief is the scientific name for these crystal-like formations that dot the bulbous tip of resin trichomes, giving cannabis its frosted appearance. The highest concentration of psychotropic phytocannabinoid tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is found at the trichome’s tip. Trichomes act as a protective barrier for the plant. A herbivore who has eaten any part of the plant […]

Infuse Anything With Cannabis Coconut Oil Recipe

cannabis coconut oil 2 - Infuse Anything With Cannabis Coconut Oil Recipe

Cannabis coconut oil is an excellent substitute for cannabutter, the more well-known edible baker’s delight. Cannabis-infused coconut oil is not only vegan and non-dairy, but it’s also a fantastic vehicle for one of this author’s favorite chemicals, THC. Edibles are a wonderful approach to treat a wide range of illnesses. To begin, edibles’ effects endure […]

What is Feminized Seeds

what is feminized seeds 4 - What is Feminized Seeds

Feminized seeds are produced from male plants, whereas non- feminized seeds have a 50% chance of creating males. More about feminized seeds Because only female cannabis plants generate edible blooms, feminized seeds are essential to cannabis cultivation. Beyond the fact that male cannabis plants produce pollen sacs rather than flowers, having males around females can […]

What is Hydroponic Weed? The Pros and Cons of Hydroponics vs Soil

Hydroponic Weed 24 - What is Hydroponic Weed? The Pros and Cons of Hydroponics vs Soil

What springs to mind when you hear the phrase “hydroponic cannabis”? Many individuals believe that hydroponic marijuana is plants cultivated directly in water with no other growing medium below them. However, as we shall see soon, this is only one of several methods to grow plants on a hydro basis. In this post, we’ll examine […]