

What Are Terp Pearls: How to Use Terp Pearls

terp pearls 4 - What Are Terp Pearls: How to Use Terp Pearls

Terp pearls, or banger beads/dab beads, are small balls that help when dabbing by distributing the concentrate and heat evenly. They’re made of quartz, borosilicate, or other materials and placed in a banger. By spinning around the bottom of the banger while you dab, they provide more consistent dabs with maximum flavor.

Terp pearls are tiny glass balls that help you get the most out of your cannabis concentrates. If you’re looking to enhance both the flavor and potency of your dabs, terp pearls are one of the most essential tools. They fit onto any dab rig and make sure you get a great hit every time.

Not only do these ‘dab pearls’ look good, but they will help improve your smoking experience. So when you start to wonder “Are Terp Pearls Worth It?”, the answer is a resounding yes! We will cover everything you need to know about dab pearls in this guide.

What Do Terp Pearls Do?

Dab Pearls, formerly known as banger beads, are added to the banger before heating. The quartz glass balls help increase the surface area inside the banger due to the spinning effect–the pearls or other fun shapes spin around in the banger.

By vaporizing the resin on more hot surfaces, you will use less concentrate. Additionally, dab pearls help to push and distribute the resin around the banger/nail so that it comes into contact with more surface area. This allows for more even distribution and prevents puddling in one spot – both of which contribute to proper usage and inhalation.

daB pearls are not only fashionable, but they have amazing benefits for your health too! Taking hits from bangers at high temperatures may increase your chances of inhaling dangerous carcinogens. Terp pearls allow you to take hits at a lower temperature that are just as powerful – if not more so – than those taken at a hotter temperature.

The Different Types Of Dab Pearls

In today’s market, terp pearls come in a wide variety of colors, shapes and materials. When selecting which is best for you, take into account the different types available including borosilicate glass, gemstones and quartz, ceramic and silicone.

Different types of bangers are used for different purposes, and the pill-shaped or elongated cylindrical pearls are specifically designed for use with a terp slurper. Even though it may look different from a regular banger with terp balls, it serves the same purpose and functions in the same way.

Dab pearls come in an extensive array of shapes, colors, and sizes so that everyone can find the perfect match for their personality. A few examples are given below:

  • Eggplantsterp pearls 7 544x400 - What Are Terp Pearls: How to Use Terp Pearls
  • Yoshi Eggs
  • Bananas
  • Grapes
  • UFOs
  • Icecream
  • Pickles
  • Bacon
  • Mushrooms
  • Pumpkins
  • Cacti
  • Ghosts
  • Rubber Duckies
  • Panda Bears

You can find a terp pearl for any shape or idea that you can think of! These little additions are the perfect accessory for any dab rig.

What Size Terp Pearl Should Be Used

With sizes that start at 1 mm and go up to 30 mm, you have a lot of options to choose from. The best way to determine which size will be best for you is by gauging the size of your banger.

The size of the bead is determined by the smallness of both the banger and surface area. The average size usually varies from 3mm to 6mm.

How Many Dab Pearls Should I Use

You may be wondering how many dabbing balls you should use. Usually, people use two dab pearls at a time. three or more might imbalance the hit and cause too much of a buildup of non-moving balls, which will obstruct air movement and affect your hit.

Terp Pearls Benefits

The many benefits of using dabbing pearls include an evenly-cooked dab with more flavor, as well as larger hits and no sticky residue left in the banger.

Terp Pearls infuse smoking with a euphoric and visually appealing edge. By adding Terp Pearls to your device, you can watch as the beads spin and flow into your bowl or bong for an unforgettable experience.

If your Terp Pearls aren’t spinning, it might be because of your carb cap. Some carb caps aren’t made to work with banger beads, and even low-quality compatible ones from big-box stores may have holes that are sealed! Investing in a good quality carb cap designed for use with banger beads will ensure that you get the most out of them when using your dab rig.

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How to use terp pearls

Not all terp pearls are made with the same materials. Some can withstand high heat while some cannot, so be sure to do your research before making a purchase.

If you’re someone who can handle a lot of heat, then try dropping one or more terp pearls into a cold banger and heating it up to your desired temperature. Once the banger is ready, place your concentrate inside of it and cover with a carb cap. As you start to draw in the vapor, you’ll see the terp pearls spinning around at the bottom of the banger. They won’t spin around if you don’t have the carb cap on, though.

If your terp pearls can’t withstand high temperatures, first heat the banger itself. Next, drop in the beads and then finally add the concentrate of your choice.


Cleaning your terp pearls doesn’t have to be a chore. After every session, simply clean your borosilicate glass dabbing pearls with isopropyl alcohol. But make sure they’ve cooled down first so you don’t burn yourself! Use q-tips, Dot Wipes or a microfiber cloth for the task at hand.

If you have a gemstone dabbing product, be extra careful when cleaning it with cold isopropyl alcohol. If not given enough time to cool down post-use, these products are susceptible to stress fractures.

If not made from quality glass, dabbing pearls can be overheated and cause them to melt or change shape slightly. By using lower temperatures overall, these pearly beads can be maintained.

Ceramic and quartz dab balls are extremely heat resistant but very difficult to clean. Conversely, quartz terp beads can handle high temperatures like a champ and are much easier wash. Of course, part of the fun in choosing your own dab balls is picking which style you prefer.

How Long Will They Last?

Well-made and properly maintained dabbing pearls can last you forever–and they’re reusable! So, it’s essential that you invest in high-quality terp pearls. They are usually made with borosilicate glass because it’s one of the easiest materials to clean and keep in good condition. Also, an added bonus is that borosilicate glass terp pearls are very affordable.

Dab rigs and their accessories are not only important for the overall lifespan of your products, but they will also save you money and add health benefits. By adding dab pearls to your collection, you will be rewarding yourself with something that is aesthetically pleasing and good for your body and mind.

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