

The Benefits of Smoking Sticky Weed

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Cannabis plants are unique. Although there is some disagreement, scientists believe that cannabis contains thousands of distinct cultivars with their own set of biological and psychoactive properties when consumed. Some cannabis flower pistils are bright orange, while others have earthy pine notes; it’s dense with huge leaves and densely covered in trichomes, giving it the appearance of having been rolled in very fine sugar granules. “Dryness” vs.”stickiness” is one more consideration to make while discussing cannabis blooms.

Users that are familiar with cannabis from the illicit market (often known as the black market) might have preconceived notions about the relative dryness and stickiness of cannabis flower. The relationship between dryness, stickiness, and quality in cannabis flower is considerably more intricate than most people realize.

Sticky Cannabis vs. Moist Cannabis

There’s a crucial distinction to be made between cannabis stickiness and dampness. It’s easy to confuse moist marijuana with sticky marijuana, and vice versa. To recognize the difference, it’s vital to understand how cannabis is cured and dried.

Curing and drying cannabis

why is weed sticky 2 290x400 - The Benefits of Smoking Sticky WeedCannabis flower is dried, trimmed, and cured in the last stages of growth. The potency of cannabis flower is increased by ensuring that it is properly dried and cured. Drying, trimming, and curing can take anything from one to six months, depending on the cultivar, the drying and curing environment, and the chosen method. Cannabis becomes less potent as a result of incorrect drying and curing; its smoke is harsher. Many of the cannabinoids and terpenes are affected by temperature and humidity. The process is rushed, incorrect drying and curing environments, or heating the flower to dry it reduces its efficacy and terpenes. Outside of their optimal temperatures and humidities, THCA is converted to THC (the psychoactive cannabinoid responsible for the “high”) through curing, while terpenes degrade. Furthermore, overly moist or wet cannabis creates harsher smoke, a greater risk of mold, and lower potency. Mistaking moisture for stickiness is widespread among cannabis smokers who got used to flower provided by the black market.

Illegitimate market cannabis and moisture

The black market was in charge of all cannabis consumption prior to the legalization of Adult Use and Medical Use in select US states. Illicit market growers neglected proper curing and drying for three reasons throughout the years of cannabis prohibition:


  • Moist cannabis is heavy: Water has weight. Cannabis grown hydroponically or in water contains between 60 and 67 percent more wet weight than fully dried and cured cannabis (pre-dried). To put it another way, when unlawful market marijuana producers sell by the pound, they are encouraged to offer wetter cannabis for a higher price.
  • Moist cannabis is confused with sticky cannabis: Stickier cannabis is often associated with higher THC and CBD content, so phony market growers may misled their clients into thinking that improperly dried and cured cannabis has a high level of stickiness. The truth is the opposite. Cannabis that is wet or damp lacks cannabinoids and terpenes in greater quantities, as well as a more unpleasant smoke.
  • Making a quick buck: Proper drying and curing takes months. On the illegitimate market, cultivators can make more money by selling moist cannabis without taking the time to fully dry and cure it. Cultivators looking for a quick turnaround on a cannabis crop are more likely to sell moist cannabis as sticky cannabis.

As legal cannabis cultivators overtake the illegitimate market, some cannabis buyers mistake properly dried and cured flower for stale, non-sticky, or old. Users that grew accustomed to the wet cannabis from the illegitimate market are especially likely to make this mistake.

On the other extreme, overly dry cannabis flower can have a huge effect on the cannabis quality.

Why is Some Cannabis Sticky?

Because of the trichome and resin content, some marijuana is stickier than others. Each cannabis variety has a distinct chemical profile, varying amounts of cannabinoids.

Generally speaking, the more cannabinoids are present, the more resinous (sticky) it will be. A high-THC cultivar is likely to be stickier than lower potency flower, with some important caveats.

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Trichomes and cannabis stickiness

Trichomes are a key component of cannabis’ stickiness. Cannabis plants have three distinct trichome kinds, which are resinous glands on the plant that make it sticky. These three trichomes create cannabinoids, terpenes, and other cannabis components:

  1. Bulbous trichomes: Bulbous trichomes are the smallest of the three, and are barely visible. Bulbous trichomes cover the cannabis plant, made up of a tiny stalk with a resin-secreting gland at its tip. The orb-like shape of the resin secretion is responsible for this trichome’s “bulbous” name.
  2. Capitate-sessile trichomes: Capitate-sessile trichomes are slightly larger than bulbous trichomes, and cover more of the cannabis plant. Like the bulbous trichome, these are made up of a stalk with a round gland on top, but are about three times the size.
  3. Capitate-stalked trichome: At roughly five times the size of capitate-sessile trichomes, capitate-stalked trichomes are the largest and most visible trichomes on the cannabis plant. Capitate-stalked trichomes develop during the flowering stage of growth, and yield the highest percentage of cannabinoids.

Trichomes also help the plant fight fungus, UV radiation, and pests that harm plants. The resin produced by trichomes is sticky and thick, similar to dried honey. Because it includes the cannabinoids and terpenes characteristic of the cultivar, the stickier the flower, the more potent it is.

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Why is Some Cannabis Dry?

After being picked, all cannabis plants are dried and cured. Cannabis may be overdried, to say the least. The “sweet spot” dryness in cannabis can be achieved at the following moisture levels:

  • Drying ends: 14-15%
  • Curing ends: 11-12%
  • Pleasant smoke: 10-12%

A dry smoke is one that has less than 10% moisture content. There are certain techniques to bring moisture back into overly desiccated cannabis, however the majority of the cannabinoids and terpenes will be harmed. Cannabis flower that hasn’t been overdried is of the highest quality and potency.

Lower potency cannabis flower

Sticky, potent high-THC varieties are not for everyone. Cannabis flower comes in a range of potencies and provides a variety of distinct sensations. For individuals who have not established a tolerance to cannabis, lower-THC cannabis is actually appealing. Some cannabis users prefer to smoke low doses of flower over extended periods rather than experiencing a THC peak. Non-sticky cannabis isn’t necessarily less desirable, but it is generally less powerful than stickier cultivars.

How long does it take for cannabis to go bad?

Cannabis flower can be smoked for quite a long time after drying and curing if it is kept correctly. Cannabis flower can remain fresh and potent for six months to a year in the right light, temperature, humidity, and storage material. There are many factors at play, but some cannabis cultivars will keep longer than others.

Is dry weed okay to smoke?

Anything below 10% moisture is harsh, and the lower the moisture content goes, the more severe and less potent cannabis will be.

Another alternative to smoking excessively dry cannabis is to utilize it in the production of edibles. Ground cannabis is commonly baked to activate THC for cooking using dry buds. Using dry cannabis to produce edibles rather than smoking dried flower or discarding it on occasion can be a preferred option.

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The Benefits of Sticky Weed

For many of the most casual smokers, little thought is given to the dryness or stickiness of their marijuana. Some people prefer to buy low-cost cannabis items like joints and smoke them up right away. However, if you’re interested in moving from being a casual smoker to becoming a herbe connoisseur, it’s worth learning about the distinctions and advantages of smoking sticky marijuana.

Higher THC

The greater THC concentration of sticky marijuana may be its most distinctive advantage. Sticky cannabis is typically stronger than its dry equivalent due to the extra trichomes. Trichomes are tiny hair-like structures that collect THC on their tips. Trichomes can be found on all cannabis plants, but sticky plants have the most and therefore produce the most THC on their tips.

Since THC is one of many factors that affect an individual’s “highness” from weed, sticky weed will often be more potent than dry weed of the same souche.

Easier To Roll

Contrary to first impressions, sticky weed is often easier to roll than dry, flaky weed. Most stoners are familiar with the age-old struggle of keeping your weed in one place while you roll. A simple open window is often a recipe for disaster!

If you roll a joint, spliff, or blunt with sticky marijuana, it’s very simple to “smoosh” your product into a smaller area before rolling up and smoking it. As a consequence, sticky marijuana is also less likely to break apart and create a mess while you’re rolling. Even if you have sticky fingers after usage, you’ll be able to wrap easily.

More Flavorful

Sticky marijuana is more likely to emphasize certain tastes, according to experts. The scent, flavor, and terpene profiles of a marijuana plant are influenced by resin on its trichomes. When cannabis dries up entirely, it loses some of its cannabinoids as well as fragrance and eventually becomes an uninteresting product. If you’ve been smoking dry non-sticky weed for your entire life, you may have never experienced all of the various strains of cannabis to their fullest extent.

So Why Buy Dry?

While sticky weed is often considered a premium product in the marijuana community, it’s worth noting that there are a few advantages of purchasing drier weed as well. Sticky weed tends to be more moist, resulting in a product with a higher weight. This means you’ll be paying a little bit less for the dry equivalent, since many dispensaries determine price based on product weight. If you prefer quantity over quality, there’s no shame in sticking to dryer buds.

It’s also simpler to activate THC when cooking with dry cannabis, making it the preferred choice for edibles. If you enjoy creating edibles as much as you like smoking them, sticky weed may not be required.

If you are looking for sticky strains, make sure to ask your friendly EarthMed patient care specialists when you come in to shop. They are super knowledgeable about the strains in stock and can point you in the right direction for that sweet sticky icky.

Sticky marijuana is seen to be a higher-end product in comparison to dried cannabis. In the end, it’s a matter of personal preference whether you prefer dry or sticky marijuana. Consider both options and see which one appeals more to you. After all, part of the excitement of smoking cannabis is trying different types of it!

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