

Magic Mushrooms: Smoking

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The following is only for informational purposes. Uberweed does NOT advocate illegal use, sale, or possession of any psychedelics. Do your own research to understand and follow all laws and regulations relating to psychedelic use in the state or region where you live.

Mushrooms, commonly known as magic mushrooms, are becoming increasingly well-known for their possible advantages.

There are a growing number of studies suggesting that psilocybin, the psychoactive component in magic mushrooms, may help with anxiety, sadness, and addiction. Some individuals who are not sick utilize them for personal and spiritual growth.

This article will answer the question: “can you smoke shrooms?”, and explain why it’s not a good idea. But before we get started, let’s find out who was voted the best mushroom spores brand for this year.

Can You Smoke Mushrooms?

Despite their recent surge in popularity, magic mushrooms and psilocybin remain illegal to sell in most of the United States. Some people are fighting for decriminalization in order to make them more accessible, but as of now possession and consumption have only been decriminalized on a small scale in certain areas. Oregon has taken steps towards medical legalization, but progress is slow.

Multiple companies areprofiting from the sale of magic mushrooms with no legal repercussions. However, an unregulated industry puts people at risk of using them incorrectly.

The uncontrolled sector implies that people may be employing magic mushrooms incorrectly.

Although people may think it is safe to smoke psychedelics, such as magic mushrooms, this method of consumption is actually unsuitable for many drugs in this category.

The most popular method of consuming magic mushrooms is to eat them fresh or dried, although many individuals dislike the flavor and texture. As a result, some people are looking for alternatives.

In early 2021, a man self-injected mushroom tea and ended up in the hospital for weeks with bacterial and fungal infections as well as organ failure.

Although this example is rare and not the norm, it demonstrates that people are willing to try new methods of consuming which may be harmful.

Smoking shrooms is not a good idea since psilocybin is thermally labile, which means it degrades at high temperatures. As a result, it’s highly unlikely to work. Furthermore, the technique has several dangers and negative effects that we will explore in depth below.

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What Happens if You Smoke Shrooms?

There is currently no studies on the effects of smoking psilocybin. However, anecdotal evidence suggests that psilocybin smokers receive little advantage. In fact, it appears that smoking shrooms may be hazardous in some situations.

Smoking Shrooms: Effects

The effects of smoking shrooms are little to non-existent, according to reports on forums such as Reddit. Some say they felt little psychedelic effects, while others claim it was because of the placebo effect. Others claim that the practice resulted only in negative side effects, such as nausea.

However, the fly agaric mushroom is an exemption. Some individuals claim they felt altered after smoking this fungus. However, muscaria does not include psilocybin. Ibotenic acid is the active component of this mushroom, which transforms to muscimol when dried. The former may induce severe sickness, while the latter produces calming and euphoric effects.

However, it is unwise to smoke any mushroom, no matter its purported effects. We will explore the reasons for this below.

Smoking Mushrooms: Side Effects

The negative side effects of shrooms (when taken orally) include:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Confusion
  • Anxiety
  • Panic
  • Agitation
  • Increased heart rate and blood pressure
  • Fluctuations in body temperature
  • Headaches

The side effects of psilocybin are usually short, however some people have a bad trip – an overall negative and distressing experience. Many people accept these adverse effects because of the positive potential outcomes of psilocybin use.

According to some people’s accounts, smoking mushrooms could result in negative consequences without any of the supposed advantages.

However, smoking shrooms does not provide the same pleasure as eating them. It is said to have negative effects, but without any of the advantages.

Additionally, it is important to consider the other significant risks that come with this method. Mushrooms may be contaminated with mold spores, which may contribute to respiratory issues if breathed in. Also, as we all know, smoking anything is harmful to the lungs, including magic mushrooms.

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How to Use Mushrooms Safely

By now, it should be clear that smoking shroom dust or whole mushrooms is not a good idea. It is best to stick to the more traditional method of oral consumption.

Some experts in the field of psychedelics recommend crushing dried mushrooms and mixing them into food, such as peanut butter or chocolate spread, to help with the bitter taste and make them easier to consume.

People who regularly consume small doses of mushrooms often use powdered form to fill capsule casings. Once filled, they swallow the capsules with water.

Regardless of the mode of ingestion, it is critical to consume magic mushrooms responsibly. It’s important to prepare properly in order to maximize your experience and minimize the chance of a bad trip.

You must focus on your mood, mindset and physical environment. Also, it’s best to consume psilocybin under the guidance of a professional therapist or guide.

Finally, keep in mind that magic mushrooms are still widely prohibited, although there are now a few exceptions. This material is for educational and risk reduction purposes only. It is the reader’s duty to become familiar with the relevant regulations in their jurisdiction.

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