

How to Smoke Marijuana Wax

marijuana wax everything you need to know 7 - How to Smoke Marijuana Wax

Marijuana wax is a type of cannabis concentrate that looks and feels like candlewax. Wax is hard and flexible, with an opaque appearance and a tacky feel that falls between liquid concentrates like hash oil and solid, brittle concentrates like shatter.

Marijuana wax is derived from marijuana buds using a variety of methods. Wax may range in form throughout the liquid liquidy portion of the spectrum to something more solid and brittle. Budder has a butter or batter texture on the runny side of the scale. In terms of texture and consistency, things like crumble and honeycomb fall somewhere between.

Wax concentrates, regardless of their differences, sit halfway between oil and shatter in terms of complexity. Wax is a simple substance for many individuals to work with since it occupies the middle ground. It isn’t as fragile that you risk breaking it into little pieces or making a mess of it, but it isn’t as thin as soup that scooping up and placing on a dab nail is difficult.

How can I make marijuana wax at home?

However, even though making marijuana wax at home is quite hazardous, it is strongly suggested that you purchase it pre-prepared. If you still want to try the DIY technique, follow these steps:

  1. To make marijuana brownies, first grind the cannabis buds. After that, stuff the package into a tube or pipe and seal it tightly.
  2. Pour the solvent over the plant material and place it in a container (or another). The liquid will bond with the psychoactive THC contained in the buds, separating outthe chemical from the plant.
  3. Allow the butane to evaporate until nothing is left except a greasy, highly concentrated substance. That’s your marijuana wax in a nutshell.

The phases of the extraction process, such as shatter, budder, and crumble, may be used to make a range of marijuana wax textures.

marijuana wax everything you need to know 2 - How to Smoke Marijuana Wax

What are the different ways to smoke marijuana wax?

Marijuana wax is a highly adaptable concentrate since to Wax’s unusual and basic viscosity. Wax may be smoked in a variety of ways, including:

  • On a dab rig.
  • Using a nectar collector
  • With a vaporizer
  • Added to a joint, spliff, or blunt
  • Combined with flower in a bowl
  • Using a rudimentary knife dab

Choosing the right tool

There are a variety of ways to consume concentrates, such as dabbing and smoking. While you can usually discover a technique to make any of these techniques work for almost any kind of concentrate, some consumption methods function better for certain sorts of concentrates. When compared to a solid chunk of shatter, the oil droplets in a vape pen may be simpler to place in. Hard and brittle concentrates like as shatter, on the other hand, might be more difficult to drop onto a hot nail because they are harder and more brittle. Oils can sometimes be considerably easier to vaporize with a vape pen than a solid piece of shatter, so consider whether your concentrate works best with the simplest vaporization device possible.

How to smoke marijuana wax

Dab rig

To remove the peeling, use a blowtorch or change the temperature on an e-nail. To reduce the loss of beneficial components in cannabis, such as terpenes and cannabinoids, keep temperatures below 300 degrees Fahrenheit (XXX Celsius).

Turn on the heat and preheat your dab rig to 300°F. Use a dabber to scoop up a tiny ball of wax from the bowl and inhale through the mouthpiece. If you’re using a carb cap, cover the top of the nail with it while breathing in. Remove any vapor from the device by lifting the carb cap when you’ve finished inhaling. Follow our step-by-step instructions to learn how to use a dab rig.

Nectar collector

To produce a nectar collector, choose a clean, heat-resistant surface on which to place the wax. The finest choices are quartz or glass vessels. Quartz, glass, silicone, or comparable materials are frequently used to create them. To begin with, use a tiny quantity of wax in the tray or dish. Place your nectar collector’s nail in a blowtorch to warm it to the desired temperature. Begin breathing through the mouthpiece while moving the hot nail over the wax as it warms up. When the nail comes into touch with the wax, it will instantly vaporize. Make careful not to breathe during this process so that no vapors escape when you exhale.


There are numerous vaporizers on the market, and their usage methods vary somewhat. Learn how to use your vaporizer before you start smoking wax so that you understand how to do it. In general, smoking wax with a vaporizer entails putting a little amount of wax in a heating chamber or spreading it out over heating coils. To function, some e-cigarettes and vaporizers need concentrate pads or additional attachments. After you’ve loaded the wax cartridge with the manufacturer’s recommendations, turn on the vaporizer and select the desired temperature before breathing out through the mouthpiece while pressing your lips against it.

Joint or bowl

In a joint or chamber, marijuana wax is readily consumed. Simply roll out some wax into a long, thin line and insert the cannabis inside your spliff. You may also wrap the wax around the outside of the joint as shown in the preceding photo. “Twaxing” is when you add wax to a spliff.

It is simple to make a honey oil bowl. Simply add a little bit of wax to the cannabis in your bong or pipe and smoke as usual.

Both extraction techniques are useful. Keep in mind that concentrates are cannabis that has been concentrated. As a result, they will be considerably more potent than flower alone.

marijuana wax everything you need to know 6 - How to Smoke Marijuana Wax

How to smoke marijuana wax without a rig (how to take a knife dab)

What you need

Here’s what you need to take a knife dab:

  • Wax
  • Two metal knives
  • Stove or blow torch
  • Plastic bottle
  • Scissors or knife for cutting the plastic bottle

Time needed: 10 minutes.

Dabs are created by dabbing a small metal knife, commonly called a “dabber,” on the cannabis plant. When you don’t have any other way to dab, this should be treated as a last-ditch option. The procedure entails heating metal knives on a stove or using a blow torch until they’re red hot, vaporizing wax with those knives, and then breathing in the vapors.

  1. Make a mouthpiece first since it’s the first thing you’ll need. Cutting a tiny plastic bottle in half is the easiest way to do this. Keep the upper portion of the discarded bottom half. Use the top of this part as a funnel to collect and breathe in vapor once it starts coming out of the blades.
  2. Set up your dab apparatus. Take a little piece of wax and place it on the end of one of the blades.
  3. Place the second knife’s tip on a hot burner or use a blow torch to get it heated, then return it to the heat. After it’s red and somewhat cooled, remove it from the heat — you don’t want it to be too hot or you’ll burn the wax.
  4. If you don’t have a knife, use something flammable — like a bar of soap or a matchstick — to melt the wax. Place one hand over the mouthpiece with your fingers on top of it, and place the hot knife’s tip on top of the other knife with wax between them using your free hand. The hot knife is the simplest way to melt down wax. When the vapour appears, use the mouthpiece to collect it all. Repeat as needed until you’ve used up all of your materials. If the hot knife becomes too chilly, simply reheat it and get back to work.

What are the benefits of marijuana wax?

The most distinctive advantage of marijuana wax is its increased strength. Wax will not contain any butane residue and is quite powerful when produced correctly. It can also be used to treat a variety of conditions, including chronic pain, anxiety, and depression. Marijuana wax is far more potent than cannabis oil, and it might produce distressing side effects such as hallucinations, unconsciousness, or severe paranoia. It’s also conceivable to succumb to butane fumes in a poorly ventilated setting. Furthermore, if you work in an area that is rapidly filling with Butane vapors, all it takes is a single spark to set them off. In addition, if you work in an environment where there isn’t enough ventilation, you risk dying from breathing too much butane.

The bottom line about marijuana wax

Marijuana wax is a potent high that may be enjoyed by those who like to take risks. Wax, like cannabis, comes with its own set of dangers (particularly the DIY technique of making it). Wax may also be a viable choice for healthcare consumers who don’t respond well to traditional marijuana. Whatever your purpose, keep in mind that excess wax will not get you very far!

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