

CBD Honey

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Honey infused with cannabidiol (CBD) is one of a growing number of methods to consume the cannabinoid, which is found in cannabis plants. CBD honey has several advantages over other options such as gummy bears or chocolate, and it’s often classified as such.

We’ll look at CBD honey’s advantages and show you how to make it at home in this post.

Is CBD Honey a Healthy Choice?

CBD and honey are natural substances with a wide range of health benefits. As a result, it makes perfect sense to combine the two in one spectacular superfood. Let’s look at each component of CBD honey in further depth to see the full potential advantages of CBD honey.

CBD Benefits and Uses

Cannabidiol, or CBD, is one of the most well-known cannabinoids found in cannabis plants, including hemp. It’s a cannabinoid that acts by altering the body’s natural endocannabinoid system. As a result, it has a wide range of effects on physical and mental health. Antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and neuroprotective characteristics abound in CBD. As a result, it can aid in the treatment of various illnesses.

CBD appears to have a wide range of health advantages and does not appear to create any negative side effects, as many pharmaceuticals can.

CBD’s potential to reduce seizures in epilepsy has been one of the topics researched most thoroughly by scientists. According to a 2019 study published in Molecules, CBD is an efficient complement to anti-seizure medication. Furthermore, it does not appear to have any severe side effects in comparison with many prescription medications.

People use CBD for a variety of other diseases in addition to seizures. The following are the most prevalent reasons given in an 2018 Cannabinoid Research study:

  • Chronic pain
  • Joint pain
  • Arthritis
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Insomnia

Hemp-derived CBD has several additional advantages. It won’t make you high; therefore, it is readily available in most locations, even those without existing medical marijuana laws.

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General Benefits of Honey (Yes.. it CAN be Healthy!)

Honey has been used for medicinal purposes by people for millennia, much like cannabis. It has been utilized in many ancient healing systems, including Egyptian, Greek, Roman, and Chinese medicine, to mention a few.

Honey is often referred to as a nutraceutical agent, implying that it has both therapeutic and nutritional advantages. It successfully bridges the gap between medicine and cuisine.

Honey has a long history as a sweetener, dating back to the dawn of civilization. It is far more nutritious and easier to digest than today’s heavily refined sugars.

Honey has many helpful components, even though it is mostly made up of sugar. Vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and other substances are among them. Honey also includes antioxidant chemicals such as flavonoids and proteins with antibacterial effects.

Honey may provide the following health advantages thanks to its high nutritional value:

  • Aids digestion
  • Acts as a prebiotic
  • Antioxidant
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Benefits cardiovascular health
  • Improves immune function
  • Antiseptic
  • Antimicrobial

Honey is widely used in ancient and modern medicine to aid wound healing. At least 20 clinical studies have examined this use. Honey appears to have anti-bacterial qualities against 60 different species of bacteria, as well as some fungi and viruses.

In general, choose honey with a rich, dark color since it will contain the most beneficial chemicals. Manuka honey, for example, is famous because it comes from New Zealand.

How to Use CBD Honey

The best approach to consume CBD honey, depending on its intended use, has been determined.

It is preferable to take it by mouth for internal complaints or general health. It should be used similarly to any other honey. Some of our favorite methods for using it include:

  • Using a spoonful to sweeten regular or herbal tea
  • Spreading on toast, bread, or crackers
  • Using as a sugar substitute in baking
  • Blending with vinegar, olive oil, and mustard as a simple salad dressing

It is critical to apply CBD honey directly on the afflicted region when using it for skin issues. A few people have complained of stinging after applying honey to the skin, but most users describe it as soothing.

Finally, why not use CBD honey in your beauty regimen? Both compounds have antioxidant effects that may help to fight the signs of aging. Simply apply a spoonful as you would any other face mask and leave it on for 20 minutes before rinsing off.

Does CBD Honey Contain THC?

Under the 2018 Farm Bill, cannabidiol derived from hemp can be present in CBD honey at a concentration of up to 0.3 percent THC – which is the highest legal limit under the new bill. However, you may buy CBD honey products that are 100% THC-free.

For example, CBD American Shaman’s top brand sells high-quality CBD honey sticks and CBD honey in a glass jar. There is a drop-down menu on their product pages where the customer can choose to purchase THC contents of up to 0.3 percent or items that are completely THC-free.

Healthy CBD Honey That’s THC-Free

Above, we asked, “how healthy is CBD honey?” and examined the advantages of both CBD and honey. When American Shaman says that their own CBD honey has health benefits, they’re referring to the possible health advantages of their CBD:

“Hemp oil honey contains a natural source of protein, terpenes, flavonoids, B-complex vitamins, magnesium, essential fatty acids, and vitamins A, C, and E. It does not contain any additives or preservatives.”

Although CBD honey has health advantages, it’s crucial to remember that cannabidiol might interfere with certain drugs. As a result, if you’re presently taking any prescription medicines, speak with your doctor or a pharmacist before eating CBD-infused honey or any other product containing cannabidiol.

Will CBD Honey Get You High?

Cannabidiol (CBD) found in industrial hemp has less than 0.3 percent THC, far too little to cause intoxication. As a result, CBD honey will not make you high.

Anybody with legal access to cannabis may add high CBD or high THC hemp honey to their stash.

Anyone who has legal access to cannabis may, however, mix their own honey with the souche of their choosing. This might be a high CBD variety like Charlotte’s Web or a high THC strain like Godfather OG for more psychoactive effects, for example. Choose a strain with a 1:1 ratio of cannabinoids, such as Pennywise, for the best of both worlds.

Check out our in-depth cannabis honey guide to learn how to grow marijuana honey that gives you a euphoric high. If you want to make non-intoxicating, CBD-infused honey, try the recipe below.

How Do You Infuse Honey with CBD?

For this CBD honey recipe, all you need is honey, CBD, and a few straightforward items.

The form of CBD you use is entirely up to you. We prefer full-spectrum CBD oil because it contains a complete spectrum of cannabinoids and terpenes, which provide additional benefits. If you’re worried about even trace amounts of THC, though, you may want to choose CBD isolate.

You’ll also need to think about how strong you want your CBD-infused honey to be. If you use 1000mg of CBD to 1 cup of honey, each teaspoonful will contain around 20mg of CBD. You can scale this up or down depending on the strength of your CBD oil. However, we don’t recommend adding extra oil to the honey because it might alter the texture.

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CBD Honey Recipe

Here’s how to make your own CBD-infused honey at home:

What You Will Need

  • 1 cup of high-quality, all-natural honey
  • 1 x 10mL bottle of CBD oil
  • Glass jar with lid
  • Small pan or heatproof bowl
  • Spoon or stirrer


  1. Place the honey in the jar, if you’re using one (or use a new one).
  2. Remove the lid and set it aside. Allow the jar to sit undisturbed for at least 24 hours, or preferably 48 hours.
  3. Fill the pan or bowl halfway with enough hot (but not boiling) water to reach 3/4 of the way up the jar.
  4. Take out the jar and set it on a non-metallic surface. Gently lower it into the water.
  5. Allow 3–5 minutes for the honey to loosen up after pouring it into jars.
  6. Remove the jar from the hot water and add the CBD, then carefully stir.
  7. Allow to chill before tightly sealing the container.Store in a cool, dark place.

Additional Tips

  • Never let your honey get too hot, since this will destroy the antioxidants. Never use a microwave to cook CBD honey.
  • If your CBD oil separates out or the honey crystallizes, just put the jar in a hot bath for a few minutes to refresh it. Stir before using.

Final Thoughts on CBD Honey

Honey with a high CBD content is another method to consume the health-boosting properties of honey and CBD. It’s delicious, nutritious, and easy to administer. Furthermore, it is more healthy than many other CBD edibles that may include harmful chemicals or excessive sugar. Some companies have begun selling pre-made CBD honey, but it is simple and quick to produce your own. This saves you money while giving you control over the quantity and type of CBD according to your specific requirements.

Have you tried this dish? Leave a remark below and tell us how you enjoy to consume your CBD honey.

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