

Bubble Hash

bubble hash 19 - Bubble Hash

This week’s blog item is from Herb Hightower’s column, which brings together the cannabis community through souche evaluations, advice, and developments.

The Evolution Of Cannabis Concentrates: Bubble Hash

Cannabis concentrates come in a variety of shapes and sizes to meet all sorts of demands. Comestibles or vape pens are both excellent choices if you need to be discreet and quick about your business. Dabbing wax, sugar, or budder provides incredibly rapid and powerful effects if you want taste with maximum terpene profiles that are so good they’ll make you want to eat them by the bowlful.

If you’re searching for an extremely flavorful experience with maximum terpene profiles that are so good they’ll make you want to eat them by the bowlful, look no farther than one of the older concentrate children on the block: wonderfully delicious yet also highly potent Bubble Hash.

Now that you’ve mastered the basics of making budder, it’s time to take your cannabis concentrate skills to the next level with me, Herb Hightower, in our continuing series dedicated to the wild world of marijuana concentrates. Today’s topic is Bubble Hash, which is made in such a way that it may be considered one of the purest varieties of concentrates and frequently has nearly double the amount of THC than today’s already powerful flower.

What Is Bubble Hash: Appearance, Aroma & Taste

bubble hash 13 384x400 - Bubble HashBubble Hash is a type of cannabis concentrate that may be relatively new to you if you are just getting started with cannabis extracts. You’ve undoubtedly heard Hashish mentioned in passing before, whether it was from your amazing uncle who grew up or maybe you’ve heard Bubble Hash referred to in a conversation before, but for the most part, novice concentrate users would be asking, “what exactly is Bubble Hash?” Hash is the OG in the neighborhood and was, after all, the inspiration for concentrates as a whole. For that we thank you Hash for opening the door to an exciting possibility to try new and interesting products. In most situations, regular hash is “pushed” strongly into a brick or piece of wood, which you’ll need to smash apart in order to consume. Bubble Hash is a form of traditional hash produced by filtering cannabis flower trichomes, resin glands of the plant, through progressively smaller filter bags until only the trichomes are left. The ice bath is required since the cold temperatures keep the trichomes cool and brittle, causing them to shatter as they are shaken through the screens rather than smear or partially scrape off. The end result isn’t pressed as firmly as ordinary hash; instead, it’s unpressed until it crumbles when you handle it. Bubble hash comes in a variety of hues, including tan, brown, and red with higher grades generally coming in the paler colors.

How Do You Consume Bubble Hash?

Because Bubble Hash is a terpene-rich trichrome, which are essentially dust particles, it can’t just be crammed into any bowl by itself because it’s too fine and you’d just suck it down the pipe, so packing a bowl of flower may be somewhat more difficult.

So, how are you supposed to consume it? Bubble Hash is frequently smoked in a hash pipe or mixed into flower to take your basic bowl to the next level, although it may also be consumed using a dab rig. Many hash users swear by a hash pipe with a screen built in, which ensures that the concentrate doesn’t fly out of the bowl. Protip: Place down a rug of buds at the bottom of your bowl and then add your hash on top. As you light the bowl, the hash on top is not scorched right away; rather, it burns gradually. To achieve this, position your cannabis grinder over the flame and slowly grind until most of the hash has been ground out. Then, without touching it, pull the vapor from the hash through your pipe using a simple technique called ray cropping.

Why Do People Like Bubble Hash?

bubble hash 012 397x400 - Bubble HashThe procedure used to extract Bubble Hash is unique among all concentrates. Most concentrates use a solvent, as described above, to separate the necessary components of the cannabis plant. Bubble Hash relies on the ice bath agitation technique and is therefore free of solvents, which many people feel is the cleanest and purest way to extract cannabis products.

Bubble Hash is also produced for the terpheads who want to pack some punch in their bowls. Last but not least, Bubble has an extraordinary amount of THC. My most recent purchase from the High Level Health dispensary near me measured a Max THC of 53.88 percent, which explains why people love it so much. Flower tops out at 23%, whereas other concentrates like Sugar can top out at 95.5% eekumendia

How to use bubble hash

Depending on personal preferences, bubble hash may be used in a variety of ways. When you’re ready to offer your product for sale, you can either:


If you have a hash pipe, it’s simple to smoke bubble hash. And since this refined product may travel all the way into your mouth, you’ll need to add a filtering mesh to your regular smoking device. Many stoners claim that their hash pipes are perfect for consuming bubble hash, however they might not be the ideal method.

With the use of a Kol pipe, you may have an amusing experience with whole melt bubble hash or any other grade. This is a ground-breaking gadget that includes cooling and filtering systems to prevent anything from entering your mouth when smoking.

It’s also a nice idea to include bubble hash with your cannabis. You may either make your own bubble joint or purchase a pre-made one, or get a pre-made bubble cone.


Dabbing a bubble hash concentrate is acceptable, but it’s usually advised that you use a full melt hash. That’s because dabbing requires the concentrate to evaporate rapidly on your nail, leaving as little residue as possible. Ice water hash melts are made from different concentrations of hash oil.


bubble hash 009 474x400 - Bubble HashAnother method to consume your bubble hash is to vaporize it. A vaporizer is necessary, as well as refined ice water hash. For vaping, it’s best to break down the Bubble hash into the tiniest particles possible.


If you’re a stoner, you may use your cooking to your advantage. As one of the spices, sprinkle the bubble hash in your dish. It’s also added to tea in the cup, salads, and other foods by some people. If you need this cognitive stimulation to get your day started, it’s one of the greatest methods to achieve that goal.

How to store Bubble Hash

To keep the THC and other psychoactive components, as well as to prevent mold and mildew, bubble hash requires effective storage. The length of time you store your concentrate depends on how long you want it to stay potent, so freezing has emerged as the greatest method of preservation. From our previous write-up on this subject, learn more about cannabis concentrate storage.

Bubble Hash Health Benefits

One of the driving forces behind bubble hash’s growing popularity is this. People became aware of the risks of vaporizing chemicals after the initial rush on concentrates produced from solvents.

The most common solvents used to extract THC from cannabis flowers are butane, propane, and other hazardous chemicals. Even if test results show that the concentrate has been eliminated, it’s not known how long these compounds stay in the human body.

Bubble hash, on the other hand, is a solvent-free extract. Water, ice, and gravity are all required to make this one-of-a-kind product. Only resin glands are being burned in this process. Many health conscious advocates within the cannabis community have pushed for increased usage of bubble hash and other alternative products as a result of this.

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