Monthly Archives: juillet 2022

Weed Candy: All the Tasty, Gooey Facts

weed candy all the tasty gooey facts 32 - Weed Candy: All the Tasty, Gooey Facts

Do you enjoy marijuana? Do you like sweets? Then you’ll love weed candy. As the legality of marijuana production and consumption continues to grow, so too do the various ways in which cannabis users consume it. Joints, bongs, spliffs, blunts, thai sticks, vaporizers, dabbing — they’re all becoming more popular with each passing year as […]

Glossary of Weed Terms

weed terms cannabis vocabulary 43 - Glossary of Weed Terms

Confused about indicas vs. sativas? Are you perplexed by the meaning of “kief”? Do you have questions regarding blended beverages on the beach and the difference between “topical” and other cannabis terms? Browse our glossary to learn more about various cannabis term meanings, including tinctures and kush! You’ll know your kush from your tinctures and […]

Edibles Dosage: How Strong is Your Weed Edible?

edibles dosing how strong is your weed edible 11 - Edibles Dosage: How Strong is Your Weed Edible?

The cannabis consumable market has expanded considerably in recent years, owing to policy change and industry progress. Since the early days of stuffing low-quality shake into brownies, edibles have advanced significantly. Cannabis cooking is now so well-known that there are Netflix and Hulu reality shows dedicated to it. However, the rise in popularity of cannabis […]